What are your motivations etc…

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buncha reasons:

commuting to work by bike is an easy cardio workout ... the motivation is that I have to get to work on time and before you know it I biked 14 miles 1-3 times per week

in the city I can sneak/ park my bike using sidewalks or between alleys etc where the car can't go

free parking anywhere

don't have to wait for a bus or train .. when I decide I want to leave I unlock and just go

bike maintenance takes less than one hour and just about no cost [when compared to the car] ... and I like to use tools and tinker

I didn't own a car until age 24 and before that was using mostly bus/ train with a bike here and there ... so I have been biking since I was young and biking now reminds me of that

if my bike[s] get stolen I lose less than $100 [my bikes are salvaged]

fresh air

I pay City taxes so biking makes sure that I use City bike paths/ lanes so I can get some of my money's worth


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