hey. thanks in advanced for any suggestions. i have a sweet jamis hybrid that i love, but in order to keep up with the big dogs, it is time to plunk down for a road bike. what is essential, other than fit and/or comfort with a good bike? shimano 105 components feel like an accord to a stratus. what about wheelset? is a kickstand necessary? just kidding.i would mostly be riding to ride. no race plans. commuting needs will be met with my jamis. i want this to last without having to upgrade much down the line.

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Vanessa - you got an ultegra/105 grouppo on your first bike? Wow, where's the humility these days? :-)

So we're looking for someone on the path with that group... ok.

As far as the OP's question, have you thought about going dutch and being a pioneer?

- Eric

p.s. h3: what size is your waterford?


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