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Funny that you mention that. It was my favorite thing to do until I was 30 or so. Now I'm 36 and I don't drink at all. When I did it, I pretty much stayed in Wicker Park (near my apartment) and there was a lot less traffic at night than there is now. I still would rather have everyone drink and ride than drink and drive. I am interested in hearing everyones thoughts on this.......If you drink and ride... please do it without headphones.
I don't think I'll take a side in the right or wrong debate. Like wearing a helmet, this seems to be more of a personal choice since likely the only person injured in the case of a crash would be the cyclist.

That being said, I haven't ridden after more than about 2 beers. I love riding, but would rather live to ride another day than risk it with more than that- and I wouldn't trust myself to ride while drunk.
Nate Ice said:
Funny that you mention that. It was my favorite thing to do until I was 30 or so. Now I'm 36 and I don't drink at all. When I did it, I pretty much stayed in Wicker Park (near my apartment) and there was a lot less traffic at night than there is now. I still would rather have everyone drink and ride than drink and drive. I am interested in hearing everyones thoughts on this.......If you drink and ride... please do it without headphones.
drunk bikers, drunk walkers, drunk drivers --- they can all cause accidents, but almost always survive, just kill someone else THINK ABOUT IT!!!!
Drink and take a cab, or get someone sober to drive you.
I consider myself somewhat overly paranoid about things like that, but I still say it's irresponsible and dangerous. It's better than drinking and driving, but after one too many, no one should be operating any sort of vehicle.
i agree that drunk peds & drunk bikers can cause accidents, but so can sober peds who run out in front of you while youre going 20 mph on a bike.

its all about the probability of injuring someone other than yourself. As a guy walking down the street, i have a very small probability of injuring someone (I believe in extreme walking). as a guy on a bike, probability goes up a bit. as a drunk guy on a bike, it goes up some more again, but it is still nowhere near a drunk drivers chance of hurting or killing someone else. I would like to see some stats but I am guessing that the chances of hurting someone while drunk on a bike are pretty close to those of someone who is walking with headphones. So if you are willing to risk personal injury from biking under the influence then I say go for it. If there were more accidents due to drunk bikers, then we would see a police crackdown on it.

Judy Lauermann said:
drunk bikers, drunk walkers, drunk drivers --- they can all cause accidents, but almost always survive, just kill someone else THINK ABOUT IT!!!!
Drink and take a cab, or get someone sober to drive you.
i drink and ride. and when i do, you'll hear me swear up and down how i am a much better biker when i am drunk (hahaha). i figure if i can get on the bike, i'm good. and if i can't... well, i haven't gotten that drunk since i was 19.

but considering that i usually close down the bar and am usually riding home at 3am down ghost-empty streets, i've never felt that i was in danger or a danger to others. and i'd rather ride my bike home at that time while drunk than try to take public transportation home (since me and my friends are poor and don't have cars and can't afford cabs) because i've gotten myself into some kinda sketchy situations that way....
I do, but not offten
The last time I rode drunk I twisted my ankle because I was wearing normal shoes and have spd pedals. This was a few weeks ago, and I am still suffering.

I think you should either do it all the time, or not at all. Practice makes perfect.
What bar do you work at, Natalee?

natalee said:
i drink and ride. and when i do, you'll hear me swear up and down how i am a much better biker when i am drunk (hahaha). i figure if i can get on the bike, i'm good. and if i can't... well, i haven't gotten that drunk since i was 19.

but considering that i usually close down the bar and am usually riding home at 3am down ghost-empty streets, i've never felt that i was in danger or a danger to others. and i'd rather ride my bike home at that time while drunk than try to take public transportation home (since me and my friends are poor and don't have cars and can't afford cabs) because i've gotten myself into some kinda sketchy situations that way....
nah, i don't work in a bar. just drink with friends who always seem to know the bartender.

Bart said:
What bar do you work at, Natalee?

natalee said:
i drink and ride. and when i do, you'll hear me swear up and down how i am a much better biker when i am drunk (hahaha). i figure if i can get on the bike, i'm good. and if i can't... well, i haven't gotten that drunk since i was 19.

but considering that i usually close down the bar and am usually riding home at 3am down ghost-empty streets, i've never felt that i was in danger or a danger to others. and i'd rather ride my bike home at that time while drunk than try to take public transportation home (since me and my friends are poor and don't have cars and can't afford cabs) because i've gotten myself into some kinda sketchy situations that way....
Intuitively, it makes sense to me that a drunk driver is far more likely to hurt others, while a drunk biker is far more likely to hurt themselves. Maybe it's just the stories I hear from my friends, but drunk bikers seem to have more problems with curbs and basic gravity than with cars or pedestrians.
Of course I do . .. but my question is since I am flying solo this weekend . . .where are people drinking on bikes today/tonight?


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