The Tour of Lake View is this Sunday at 1:00 PM.  The tours generally last until 4:30-5:00 and then we generally like to tip back a few and have some grub and hang out at a local watering hole/restaurant.  Does anyone have a suggestion for this Sunday after the ride?




Must be in Lake View

Needs flexible seating - can not be too crowded, or need reservations - our group sizes vary widely

Needs to have food and drink

Needs to be reasonably priced

Needs to have some vegetarian options.



Ideas and suggestions are greatly appreciated.


Hope to see some of you out there this Sunday.


Cheers - Lee Diamond

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On Sunday wishbone is open til 9 and they have Cajun style food and give a 15% discount to peeps when they show there helmet. (biking) They serve booze plus there are plenty of bars nearby for more boozing ;-)
Wishbone is in Lakeview?

I vote for Goose Island - huge, tons of bike parking in the rear patio and lots of food options...
I think the western boundary is Ravenswood.

Aaron Bussey said:
Wishbone is in Lakeview?

I vote for Goose Island - huge, tons of bike parking in the rear patio and lots of food options...
pick me up? too crowded?
Yeah, Wishbone is in Lakeview. I support them cause they support bikers. ;-) My vote doesn't matter cause I'll be home.

Gabe said:
Yeah, Wishbone is in Lakeview. I support them cause they support bikers. ;-) My vote doesn't matter cause I'll be home.
what are you talking about Brian? Leo's? or Le Creperie?
Hehehehe I don't want ya at my house either ;-)

Big spelling problem fixed Brian.

I like Aaron's suggestion of the Wrigleyville Goose Island, reason being they would have a nice place for us to be together whether there are a few or a lot of us. It is very big and even if it is packed, there would be room and I doubt it will be packed. I like Wishbone too, but I often have to wait to get a table there, and that is just if there are 2 to 4 people, let alone with however many there might be.

Pick me up has no booze. We need booze. Some of us. Leo's has no Booze. Plus not the most veggie friendly place. Plus its from Detroit ;-)
Im Pretty sure Pick me up as booze last time i checked they had a full bar/and beer maybe its changed.
Sheesh. Hard to please these teacher types.

And I might be wrong about Pick me Up. I was just looking online.....

Brian Kennedy said:
Good. While you are at it, you also have a misspelling in your Liar's Ride. You spelled "scary" as "scarry". Of course, I assuming you put the extra "r" in there for dramatic effect...and that's the truth...maybe

Lee Diamond said:

Big spelling problem fixed Brian.
Original boundaries of the township of Lakeview at incorporation:

Fullerton on the south
Devon on the north
Lake Michigan on the east
Chicago river on the west.

I think this is per Wade's "Growth of a Metropolis."

Nothing against Goose Island but it seems to me that Wishbone ought to work well, as long as it's before their busy time. They were very accommodating to a fairly large group that went there after George C's Chinatown presentation.

Jared said:
I think the western boundary is Ravenswood.

Aaron Bussey said:
Wishbone is in Lakeview?

I vote for Goose Island - huge, tons of bike parking in the rear patio and lots of food options...


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