Happy Earth Day 2016 ! Ride your BICYCLE !

Why cycling makes sense:

With every mile you ride on a bike instead of driving alone in a car, you can prevent about a pound of greenhouse gas emissions from entering the atmosphere.

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CNN article by John D. Sutter 4-21-'16

"We are not as doomed as you think."

Thanks for the upbeat article, Tom. 

I like to eat beans, so the greenhouse gases that I save by not driving my car are somewhat offset by my flatulence. 

Some people are saying that we've already reached the tipping point on renewable energy sources. I'm more concerned now about what we're doing to our oceans. It's estimated that by the year 2050, there will be more plastic waste in our oceans than fish. If we jeopardize sea plankton, we're in big trouble. 


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