Can you draw a bicycle accurately/quickly from memory?

You ride a bike, you know your bike. Can you draw it?

Try it. It's not that easy, even if you're artistically inclined.

Source: by Margaret Rhodes 4-14-16

"Some can draw bikes from memory. Some . . . definitely can't."

"Go grab a pen and some paper and try this: Using only your memory, draw a bicycle. You have two minutes. . . . Go."

I took this test in the past. Not too easy or accurate. Unless you're an engineer.

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My try. Mtb? Ha! Not good. . .

Ok, but that zebra code in the lower right hand corner was very well done.

Thanks Joe! I just did the drawing test on an piece of scratch paper from my mail. I hope it's nothing important, just ignore. Drawing tires takes up a lot of space!

The only thing I can draw is a paycheck (for which I'm very grateful). But I am an aspiring sculptor, horses in particular. Its actually a lot easier than drawing. Just chisel everything away that doesn't look like a horse. Sculpting a bike is much harder, the spokes in particular.

Ha! The digital renderings are probably the best part of that article!

I can draw a basic frame lickety-split, but I have a little more difficulty with the wheels and drivetrain.

Drawing a bicycle is basically, two triangles, two circles, a small circle for the crank/pedals and with the seat and handlebars all located in the precise correct area. Anyone else wanna give it a try? You don't have to reveal the results. Just tell us how you did.

Yes haruspex, the renderings did look interesting.


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