Our regular meeting night is the 3rd Wednesday of each month, except December, at Ridge Park fieldhouse, 9625 S. Longwood Dr.

Anyone who is interested in the trail is welcome to attend.  We welcome new people and ideas.

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Our next meeting is happening next Wednesday 2/19. Click here for info and to RSVP.

Meeting tonight at Ridge Park.  We hope to see you there.

Our next meeting is Wed. 5/21 at Ridge Park - info here.

Our next meeting is TOMORROW night (Tues. 6/17) at 6:30 p.m. at Ridge Park.  

Note that this one meeting was moved to Tuesday due to schedule conflicts.  We will go back to Wednesday nights for subsequent meetings.

We are meeting TONIGHT (Wed. 7/16) at 6:30 p.m. at Ridge Park. Sorry for the late notice.

We'll meet on Wednesday 8/20 at 6:30 p.m. at Ridge Park. Hope you can be there. We'd like to plan for Sunday's community ride.

We're meeting TONIGHT (11/19) at 6:30 p.m. at Ridge Park.  Please join us!


Our regular meeting happens this Wed. 3/18 at Ridge Park (1817 W. 96th St.) from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m.  Hope to see you there.

Our next meeting is Wednesday 3/16 at Ridge Park.  Any interested person is welcome to join us.

Our next meeting will be Wednesday 4/20 at Ridge Park. More info here.

Topics will include: Earth Day clean-up, early season rides, local advocacy efforts.

Meeting tomorrow night (Wed. 9/21) at RIdge Park. Info here: 


Our Next Meeting is Monday November 19,  6:30pm at Ridge Park Fieldhouse.  This will be our last meeting of 2018.  However we are always available here, on FB and at maj.taylor.trail@gmail.com


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