The Chainlink

Hammond to Monticello: COMPLETE! (injuries included!)

So I got a bug up my butt to ride my bike to my family's lake house. By myself. Without telling anyone what I was doing. SUPER IDEA. =)

I planned my route using Google map:walking. (Word to the wise. That sucker will put you on as many gravel roads as God himself can possibly create. Don't use it. It sucked.) So, after getting my brains beat out on 4 miles of gravel road, I decided to wing it. I mean, these are numbered country roads. It can't be hard, right?

RIGHT! I found my way there completely unscathed. Well, kinda. About halfway through the ride, my knees started to ache. I ignore that garbage... it was initially caused by being tossed off of horses at funny angles. (seriously) Humidity and everything else aggravates them, so I ignored the pain. I was about 4 miles away from destination, and my left knee decided that riding a bike was no longer in its repertoire. It explained this to me by delivering excruciating pain. Of course my pride took hold, and I finished the ride. Well, now I currently cannot do stairs at ALL, and walking... well, I try.

The ride was 105 miles total. I rode it from 4AM to noon. Is that good or bad time for a century? I don't know. I had never ridden one before. It rained on me from 7AM forward. Rain and I are homies now. *fist bump*

I guess my real question is: Have any of you experienced this injury before, and what should I do to recover? It is in the front of my knee, and REALLY hurts when bent. Dull ache when straight.

Stupid body. My butt doesn't hurt. My arms don't hurt. My back doesn't hurt. My leg muscles don't even hurt. But my knees? Holy moley.

(Really though... amazing ride. Doing it by myself (though dumb) was even cooler.)

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The first half I was hauling some serious butt. I took advantage of every single hill possible, maxing speed at close to 35 mph. I know, I should have paced myself... I'm not good at that though. I'f I'm fresh, I'm raring to go. hold the phone. I shall go check my bike comp for my average.

It says that I averaged 17.1. =) I stopped 3 times for uber disgusting recovery chews, an apple, and to refill my water bottles. I didn't stop for more than a few minutes though... I was scared of letting the acid build up. I'd rather just keep truckin'.

*toddles off to get ice*
About the average... when I'm not in, you know, terrible pain, I average 19-22, depending on how late I am for work. lol

I commute to work; 20 miles there, 20 home. I hadn't prepared for the century at all. I'm guessing this is why my knee decided to tell me where to put it.

I'm currently in denial about the whole injury. lol I will ice it though.
congrats on the ride.

i had a similar thing happen to me on the FOS easter ride this year, but mine was (i think, mostly) caused by hastily installed 4degree cleats, and maybe it had something to do with overdoing it for my first big-ish ride of the year. it was like 68 miles or so, and similarly, it started hurting around mile 40-50- and by the time it got to the end of it all there was serious pain happening in my left knee, but not the right. weird..

anyway yeah, just under the kneecap.. straight was ok, but bent really sucked.

i should just say right now that i didnt see a doctor, nor am i one, so how it happened for me might not be what happens for you, so see a doctor- maybe..

healing up took a long time, the ride was in april(i think) and its only been a couple of weeks now that ive been pain free. the first thing i did was order some cleats with more float and made a bit of an adjustment. then i put that bike away and rode my commuter bike (had a triple crankset) in the little ring for any trip i had to make, spinning gingerly trying to keep any kind of strain off of the knee. it was a couple of weeks before i tried any kind of push, and it was minimal, if it even started to hurt, i laid off- except for the ride to critical mass at the end of april when i got caught in a 20 mph headwind on the way home which, i think, aggrivated it a little more.

like i said, it took a while to get better from it, and now i know better than to try and go big without any kind of preparation. the recovery had a little benefit too in that i have a little more discipline when it comes to riding within limits and i dont just go like a crazy monkey on speed anymore.

again congrats, and i hope you feel better soon.
Really, this will sound insensitive, to you and God and Google and your brains, but I'd like to know more about these horrible gravel roads. Because, um... I've been looking for miles and miles of horrible gravel roads. They are remarkably hard to find in the metropolitan Chicago area.

Paving, paving, as far as the legs can pedal. Looks like I should head me for some Kokomo or somethin'?
I went through Lake County without a single one. Newton County gave me a few, but Jasper County kicked my rear. I gave up my Google route in Jasper, and zigzagged my way though White and Carroll.

But if you want some SUPER nasty gravel roads?? Go to whatever county Peotone is in. My horse is boarded out there, and you have to pull the trailer at like 2 mph because of how cruddy they are. Miles and miles of them too. Never serviced because no farmers even use them. Let me know how that goes... and why you're looking for them?
Hey jess, Just wanted to say you are a bad ass and swift healing! ;-)
Jessica, I want some SUPER nasty gravel roads, yes.

I don't know why I'm looking for them. They just seem right to me; it's good, hard riding, and hard to find 'round these parts. I want a dirt road, a gravel road, an unmaintained road, but all my roads are paved. We've had a lot of time to pave, here, you know. You can go back a hundred and fifty years, and all those roads are paved, well-paved, and paved again. They've gone through, like... three or four different paving technologies already, all over Chicagoland. Screw that. I just want gravel, gravel, gravel.

My enthusiasm is outstripping the muck, but maybe you get it.

I'll go check out the Peotone soon, and say hello to your horse. That's not so far.
Well, burden, good luck with your gravel finding, and don't get too close to my horse. He has good aim. Oh, and can I have some of what you've got? I think I need it. (wink wink, nudge nudge). Why don't you just go to Sweetwoods? Or the Glen? That will take your gravel, and raise you a million billion tree stumps.

Gabe, I <3 you. I need to ride up and chill with you before I head back to Lafayette. *does voodoo hands to get knee better* =)

h3, I will have you know that I have ice on my knee as we speak. I will be going to the doc tomorrow as this is actually day two of the excruciating pain. Gah!

Thanks for the advice and good wishes everyone!
take halstead south to 294, you'll get more than you ever wanted..

burden said:
Jessica, I want some SUPER nasty gravel roads, yes.

I don't know why I'm looking for them. They just seem right to me; it's good, hard riding, and hard to find 'round these parts. I want a dirt road, a gravel road, an unmaintained road, but all my roads are paved. We've had a lot of time to pave, here, you know. You can go back a hundred and fifty years, and all those roads are paved, well-paved, and paved again. They've gone through, like... three or four different paving technologies already, all over Chicagoland. Screw that. I just want gravel, gravel, gravel.

My enthusiasm is outstripping the muck, but maybe you get it.

I'll go check out the Peotone soon, and say hello to your horse. That's not so far.
And I hope to god you don't have road tires. If the gravel is loose...

hahaha, mental picture. Nevermind. Just go try it. The best way to learn is the hard way. =P

ETA: That's why I was avoiding gravel like the plague. I was on 700 x 23 continentals. Uhh, no thanks.
I am afraid of horses, generally. They are like great big dogs, with metal shoes, and smart.

And I don't want those stumps. Got a road bike with fat tires, is all.
*grins real big*

I'm left handed, and no I'm not being a smartass. The theory still holds merit though, that I should coast in a neutral position.

And genetic related knee issues means that I already have my knee replacement doc lined up! =P


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