Hey all...

The Horribly Hilly Hundred ride was full this year so instead I registered for the Insane Terrain Challenge, which I'm told is organized by some of the same people.


Anyway, the ride is on July 11th, and my usual biking buddy isn't going. So I was seeing if anyone on Chainlink was planning to go.

I was intending to drive up Friday evening, stay at a hotel in or near Madison, do the ride Saturday...and if I'm not too exhausted, drive back Saturday afternoon.

I have a Thule rack so I'd be happy to drive anyone who needs a ride. Or if anyone is also hanging out in Madison Friday night, I'd love to meet up for dinner or beers or whatever.

Alrighty then, I hope everyone is having a good 4th of July weekend!

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Man... there are just too many activities happening the weekend of the 11th/12th. Have fun... I like how the site reports that this ride is "also for those of us mere mortals who simply crave a fulfilling experience". :-)
Brett, you madman! You do know you're biking across Iowa a week after, right? :)

I would join you, but I think I have dinner plans next weekend, and $65 seems a bit steep for one day.

Oh, and the LATE ride is getting its yearly audit.
Yeah... you'll have to make it back for the LATE Ride. ;-)

Tank-Ridin' Ryan said:
Brett, you madman! You do know you're biking across Iowa a week after, right? :)

I would join you, but I think I have dinner plans next weekend, and $65 seems a bit steep for one day.

Oh, and the LATE ride is getting its yearly audit.


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