The Chainlink

Step right up, start seeding you June 26th Critical Mass route thoughts here.

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This is an excellent route. the little hook around McGuane park might prove tricky, many people may just turn right on Archer, and eliminate that part of the ride, but I think with diligent control it can be done.

I cant wait for Friday! Wooo-Hoo!
NEW! Map flyer (r4 - L.Sailor mods to South lobe):

This route is not a protest, it is a show of solidarity. We will not stop at the 1968 DNC Riot Cop Reunion party to protest, just bike by and send a subtle message that the streets belong to the people and TRUE Americans will never tolerate fascist brutality.

Sure, it's gonna be a little uncomfortable, but this is "CRITICAL" Mass.

Oh come on Marty 90% of the mass rides end in the north side, besides ya can crash at my place if ya want

cutifly said:
Go back North so I do have to ride as far home.......
Okay there is talk of a split up and a convergence later. Would map makers like to meet at Mercury Cafe to work out something?
Hey all, thanx so much for lots of great feedback, which took the Bubble Mass redux to r5. I'm very happy with the route and art. HOWEVER, for many reasons please consider the Bubble Mass postponed until at least next month. Yes thats right. I do not intend to print nor lead the Bubble route this Friday, thus giving the other route free reign. Many options were discussed, but with just a day to go, this seems simplest. So thanx again everyone. We will do the Bubble Mass, just not right now.
For the record, here's the final (r5) Bubble Mass map flyer - now undated:
Andrew ya should reconsider, the Lumpen magazine is having its 18 year anniversary party at the Co-Prosperity Sphere Friday nite at 32nd and Morgan from 8 pm to 1 am.
Thanx, and I do wanna see that place, but there's always something. I'm just too exhausted, and competition seems wasteful, and the other route is date sensitive, and it ends near the same place anyway, but it is a near miss multi. All things in time. Seriously, how about doing Bubble Mass on a near future non-CCM day? Maybe as a facebook event.
That would be awesome!

Andrew Bedno said:
Thanx, and I do wanna see that place, but there's always something. I'm just too exhausted, and competition seems wasteful, and the other route is date sensitive, and it ends near the same place anyway, but it is a near miss multi. All things in time. Seriously, how about doing Bubble Mass on a near future non-CCM day? Maybe as a facebook event.
Michael Jackson Memorial Ride

We all wear one glove and rock out to classic Jackson hits....

Please remember to wear a single white glove tomorrow...V103 is sending out the APB for all to show a lil support for the King of Pop as were riding through the south side...


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