Would you ride this with your (real or hypothetical) kid?

My inner jury are still out on this one.

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Can we get some helmets on mommy and kid first off? Perhaps try not using the cell phone in your advert as well.....

Anyway, seems like a fairly innovative item, i like its dual-purpose, but I am guessing trillions of dollars are necessary to buy one.
Oh and dont forget the riding on the freaking sidewalk...
Still a cool contraption...

Lee Diamond said:
Can we get some helmets on mommy and kid first off? Perhaps try not using the cell phone in your advert as well.....

Anyway, seems like a fairly innovative item, i like its dual-purpose, but I am guessing trillions of dollars are necessary to buy one.
Lee Diamond said:
Can we get some helmets on mommy and kid first off? Perhaps try not using the cell phone in your advert as well.....

Anyway, seems like a fairly innovative item, i like its dual-purpose, but I am guessing trillions of dollars are necessary to buy one.

Close, it looks like it's in the neighborhood of 3 grand. About what it takes to get a pretty nice bike with fairly high end components. I guess it's targeting the same demographic that buys $500 strollers so they'd probably have no problems with the price tag.

M.A.R.K. said:
I'm with Lee, lose the cell phone and what not, but I just assume they are doing it to show ease of use for moms on the go and to show that the product can be used by everyone. They did do really go with the commercial, being able to bring it in the store and on the train without question. Expensive as hell I'm sure. I wish they would have shown the transformation from stroller to bike, and if you have to take the child out of it to do it.

My guess is that if you had to take the child out for the conversion from bike to stroller, the same is probably true for stroller to bike.

I don't have kids, but this seems like it would be insanely expensive for the limited time that the child would need a stroller. Then again, all the triple-wide strollers I see here in Roscoe Village can't be cheap either.

I see a guy around here with some kind of delivery bike that a wheel barrow-like basket up front and he rides around with his kids in it.
They go for £1,695.00 which is $2,779.80
I have no problem with that in that it is obviously not me they are planning to sell this to, by any stretch. Then again, noone is going to be selling me a nice Dutch bicycle or a carbon-frame road bike either.

I realize that they are just trying to show the ease of use, but how much harder would it have been for the people to obey the law and act responsibly in the process? It is pretty irresponsible cycling for a parent to ride without a helmet....what happens if they get in an accident? who takes care of the child? To not have the child in a helmet is ridiculous. Add in the cell phone and sidewalk cruising and you have a commercial with a really expensive device operated by an individual lacking any common sense whatsoever.
Probably not. It seems innovative, but kind of limited use. Plus, what makes that kid sit there happily while mom converts the bike? Mine would be running into traffic for sure.

Where does the diaper bag, purse, groceries, snacks, etc. go?
I'd like to see the dog start barking crazy at the little girl, that would be funny.
I has some girl with a flower in hear helmet ask me where mine was. I felt really stupid because I know I set a bad example and she was very cute and can't really argue for a good reason not to wear one. Oh this is a different post.
Or, you die early and don't need a helmet then, either.
Are there really no head injuries in the Netherlands?

h3 said:
Jesus, have none of you ever bothered to even skim a helmet debate?
This is in holland: http://www.taga.nl . . .where it is well known that there are no head injuries, because you learn to ride a bike early in life and thus develop the skill level adequate to avoid them.
Mike Schwab-- got some links to some juicy knock-down, drag-out helmet discussions?
Uh, no, I would not get/use this for my hypothetical kid.
The device was innovative. The commercial had way too many things wrong: cell phone, lack of helmets, riding on the sidewalk. How wide is that thing, rolling through store isles, I'm sure the other customers would just love to move so that you can push that monster.
that kid looked big enough to walk around in the store, maybe with a leash or something..

if that video was any longer i would have killed myself (mainly due to the soundtrack and horribly contrived pandering)

woo woo, a new fangled mechanical contraption to make life easier for the upscale mummy who cant be slowed down by untethered children..

someones gonna eat it up for sure..


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