South Chicago Velodrome is Open! Work days Thurs and Fri; Bring your bike :)

* Most recent updates at end of post; thread title has been edited to reflect "current situation"*

Thanks to the community's support and the hard work of many people- the South Chicago Velodrome Association now has all of the paperwork in order (land lease, track lease and insurance) and has full access to the bike track on 87th street, a couple blocks West of the Lakefront Trail!  The final pieces were submitted and accepted Friday afternoon.

The first official work day was Saturday and our next *big* one is this coming Saturday (w/ bbq!)..  Some details and a link to the day's work schedule/sign up is here: Track workday and BBQ social

We'll also have workdays during this week but haven't solidified times yet- contact me 872-588-7282 [Luv-SCVA] or Tim to work before Sat.

Depending on volunteer turn-out, we can have repairs complete in 2-6 days, then we can have riding...  I'd like to get some fat bikes down there to ride around before repairs are complete, but we'd have to get the "ok" from our head track expert (Carl).

*Speaking of experts- are there any engineers or architects that want to come down and check out the structure first hand?  It's pretty simple really but an interesting hyperbolic paraboloid...

** High School racing league (all abilities, includes certified coach) starts Wednesday: high school racing league

** Looking for instructors for a youth fix-a-bike program starting (softly) this Tuesday: help wanted ad.

Thanks for checking this update and considering signing up :)

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I was out there on Saturday for the Slow Roll ride as a part of the Intelligentsia Cup/Prairie State Cycling Series. It was my first time actually out on the velodrome. Glad to hear that it is up and operational. Please let me know what I can do to help. I have the Lake Bluff race with the Intelligentsia Cup but otherwise would love to come down for a workday if there is another one. 

I'm glad you had a chance to see it; hope you got into the infield.

For anyone who wants to help- SCVA has more needs than needs-filled and can use lots of community help in various ways. is being updated daily and has descriptions and links for different ways to contribute.

If anyone is not sure- call 1-872-588-7282 (Luv-SCVA) and we'll do what we can to help you help the big picture.

Thanks!  -Marcus, SCVA

I did make it down on the infield. Here is a pic with Jamal from Slow Roll Chicago and Marco Colbert from Prairie State Cycling. Rahsaan Bahati, former national champion who started his career on the velodrome as a junior in Compton, CA was also there. 

Cool!  Thanks for posting!

I really like the perspective from the infield of the track; here's my bike down there, from a couple weeks ago:

Thanks Mike; there's a PM waiting in your box.

Updated blog post here with more about this weekend, programming, financial matters, etc.

Facilities like this track can only thrive with community support on a number of levels and it's future is anything but predetermined.  Thanks for keeping up with, and helping spread, the news.

With so many ways to help, it would be a crime not to

Lots of updates on the bike track in South Chicago!

If you didn't see in the new Job Postings thread or see in another area of web-world, SCVA hired a Blackstone Bicycle Works extern for our Junior Mechanics program...  We're still taking resumes for Head Instructors too.

We've got a big Work Weekend with the grills working full-bore to feed the volunteers.  Bring a MTB (or general fat tire) for a chance to ride on the track (no promises).  Track should be repaired and ready for track bikes by the end of the weekend, assuming adequate helper turn-out.

Michael is at the track and repairs have started for the day! (until 6pm)

Check the sign-up sheet to see the un-filled needs: work day & cook out   Just show up, no need to sign up... Be our mini-hero today.  * long pants and close-toe shoes are V. helpful for most jobs... A sun hat can also be good.

I heard that Tim got something special for the grill too...  You're welcome to bring your own grill-ables.
at South Chicago Velodrome everyone's invited to get involved.  It's been a variety of people contributing to the needs to save this facility and our whole community will benefit in the long run. 

We're also having a public meeting at the track tomorrow at 6:30pm.

The volunteers had a great day at the velodrome today...  Bigger day tomorrow, likely riding the track after repairs.
Recap and tomorrow's "plan" here.

volunteers have been riding...

Open Workdays at the South Chicago Velodrome Thursday and Friday this week- Aug 20th and 21st.

Gates will be open Thursday between 12 and 6:30pm: Thursday's Facebook Event Page
and Friday 9am-8pm: Friday's FB Event Page   

* need not sign up or be on FB to be involved.

We're getting this track done and ready for full riding going as late in the year as possible... Our goal is to get the main track repairs snuffed out before Saturday. Many of the jobs are easy and we already have a number of friends ready to come together for this. Let's get over this hump together!

Everyone's Invited to SCVA Workday Parties!
We'll be doing a variety of tasks including but not limited to:
- Cleaning the track surface (easy)
- Weeding the infield (easy)
- Carrying supplies (easy, fitness helps)
- Assembling "the ramp" (moderate; strong and fit helps)
- Carpentry (moderate to advanced ability needed)
- Cooking at the grill (can be controversial)
* Michael Genge is in charge Thursday 

* Carl Wilkins is in charge Friday

* Saturday and Sunday haven't been scheduled yet

Another note- South Chicago Velodrome Association's fundraising needs are serious. You might know that access to the land took longer than we expected and we missed out on about 3 months of participation and revenue this year because of it, but we still have the costs associated with paying the balance on the track and the other costs associated with ensuring this facility stays in Chicago and is accessible in the future. An easy way to help, and share of our needs, is here: GoFundMe  We've paid about 1/3 of the balance but are behind schedule. We can't do this without various contributions from across our communities.

As always- you're invited to reach me directly with any questions, feedback, suggestions, etc 1-872-588-7282 (Luv-SCVA) or and there's a new anonymous "suggestion form" here:
Thank you!


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