In the years before bike share came to Chicago I authored a series of blogs about bike shares in other cities.  I couldn't wait for bike share to come to Chicago.  After riding my first DIVVY I wrote a blog wherein I indicated that the DIVVY would not replace your commuter.  Now, I've come to find that it's basically done just that- at least for me.  A DIVVY station opened just a block from my house, and one is a block from my work with fifty in between.

I ride a DIVVY almost every day.  I hardly ever ride my commuter. 

I notice two main things about DIVVYs.  First, I tend to ride without a helmet much more now because I find myself using a DIVVY when I don't expect tot be riding a bike.  Second, the freedom of one-way trips offered by a DIVVY is huge.  When you ride your bike you have to ride it home again.  If you ride a DIVVY you can walk, catch a ride with someone else, or take a train. 

Once a week I take a DIVVY up to meet my fiance for dog agility night.  She drives the dog, and I ride home with her.  No need to figure out a way to pack the bike in the car.

I've been amazed at how well DIVVY compliments other forms of transportation.  I'd love to hear other stories about how people have used DIVVY in ways that didn't anticipate.

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I used to only ride my hybrid for exercise, never to get to a destination.  Now, I Divvy often if I am going somewhere, and that has led me to use my personal bike more for shopping.  The one way aspect of Divvy is nice, but so is the idea of not putting wear on my bike.  Also, I prefer Divvy instead of leaving my bike locked outside for long periods of time.

The flip side of the benefits is that I often find downtown Divvy docks empty when I am leaving work.  Sometimes the dock closest to my apartment is also empty, which isn't surprising considering it is in Lincoln Park (meaning park, not neighborhood).  And, approximately 10% of the time, I take out a bike that has some sort of mechanical issue.

Overall, I am happy (I am more than halfway into my second year) with Divvy and will keep renewing.

Not having to lock up is pretty awesome.  No responsibility once you dock the bike.

I too, am happier with DIVVY as time goes on.

I've said that DIVVY is an awesome compliment to other forms of transportation.  If I drive to work for some reason I can park in the west loop for free and DIVVY to the office.  No pay parking and I don't have to negotiate loop traffic.  If I want to go somewhere the train doesn't go I get as close as possible on the train, and then I DIVVY the rest of the way.  I have been known to do the Walk/DIVVY combo you describe as well.  There's a DIVVY for everyone...

The nearest station is over 4 blocks away. I'm happy using any of my 6 workable bikes to travel about.

Echo the general sentiments here. In two years I took over 600 trips! :)

I'm finding Divvy useful for one way trips too.  Today's a perfect example: rain this morning = I don't ride my bike to work.  But the weather is supposed to improve later today, so I'll Divvy home.  

And hey, my membership expired today.  Time to renew!


I love love love Divvy. I don't use it as my main form of transportation but almost specifically for one way rides or to supplement transportation gaps. Examples -

- I live a 15 minute walk from the L, so I use a Divvy near my house to make it a 3 minute ride instead of waiting on an unreliable bus to make the trip faster.
- If I am trying to take a bus somewhere but it doesn't come for another 26 minutes, I can take a Divvy nearby instead. 
- If I need to drop off my bike at my main shop, which is a 20 minute walk away, I can bike there and take a Divvy back. Or if I need to drop my dog off somewhere, I can walk him there and Divvy back instead of having to bring my bike along on the walk (I don't bike with my dog running alongside). 
- I go to a lot of concerts, and oftentimes my friends like to hang out after. If I bring my bike, it is a pain bringing it along or having to bike somewhere while everyone else goes together in another group. I can Divvy there and not have to worry about my bike later. 
- If I am going to a party or somewhere else that I know I will be drinking at, I Divvy there and can take a cab home later instead of being tempted to bike home drunk in my more idiotic state

I have several really awesome bikes that I love to ride and prefer to ride over a Divvy bike, but I can't use them in the same way that I can with a Divvy because I can never take a one-way trip with them or summon them if I suddenly need them as I can with a Divvy. 

I have a Divvy key and I love the system. 

There's nothing more awful on the lakefront than a Divvy rider, except another Divvy rider and a rental bike rider. 

I forgot all the Lakefront Lances, working to get a two mile work out in on the most crowded sections of the path, they're rather awful as well.


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