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Nice first ride in the COLD.


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Damen from Diversey to Belmont has been a mess during construction for the last two weeks, but it's now resurfaced and rides like a dream :)

Email newsletter link said beautiful pictures in this thread.....OF COURSE Gene is holding it down with the beautiful pictures.

Can the link in the newsletter just say "GENE POSTED PICTURES" because we all would click that just to see what he posted anyway!

Gene, what camera do you use?

Thank you for the kind words, Mike. 

The original poster "in it to win it" asked me to keep posting in his thread, so I feel obligated to honor his requst.

I use a compact camera which is a Canon S120.

My Nikon single lens reflex (SLR) camera sits collecting dust at home, because this is a far superior camera. The S120 is an upgrade of my previous S95 which started to deteriorate after five years of use with the nicks and dings to prove it.

The camera is remarkable and out-performs my SLR in every way except for head and shoulder shots. As you have seen, it does distance and extreme close-up very well. The auto-focus and color settings make me look like a genius when that is very, very far from the case.

I am a classically trained artist and my joy is good composition. So, when you put a superb camera in the hands of a bad photographer with a good sense of design it all evens out with nice results.

Thanks for asking, Mike.

Left early and made it home before the storms, but the wind was really picking up and drivers were in crazy mode. Ride safe everyone!

Hoping to get a lot of riding in this weekend, but the weather forecast doesn't look too great. If anyone gets any good leads on when might be good riding weather Sat/Sun, let me know. ;)

One of these days I'll get out for a ride that isn't commuting.


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