Any LBS has Soma Wolverine size 54 in stock?

I don't want "we can order" because I can do that too.

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Hi JustWill,  I went through this just last week and was unable to find any in stock.  In fact, Soma told me that there is a 5-7 month wait list for a 58cm frameset, and I assume the wait for the 54cm is just as long. There advice was to order it through a local shop, because shop orders are prioritized.

Good luck.

Velo Orange's blog has some pics of a new frame they say they're releasing this year. It might be a good alternative. Check out the Vassago Fisticuff as well. 

Damn that Fisticuff frame looks nice!!!

The Fisticuff and the Gunnar Fastlane were on my short list when I got the Macho Man. Also the Niner RLT9 might be an option unless you're strictly looking at steel. 

I can't help but drool every time I look at that VO though. 

VO releasing a disc brake bike? Where has this world come to?

I think I hear the four horsemen galloping down my street right now.

From the VO blog:

By the way, I suspect that there are some retro grouches out there who are surprised, if not annoyed, that VO is making hubs, and soon frames, utilizing disc brakes. There are so many silly "innovations" in the bike world that it's hard to know when something really provides an advantage. Every time I go to a big industry show I'm blown away by the amount of change for change's sake. So much of the bike industry is geared toward getting you to buy some newer and "better" component every year. But, now that I've used them, I think that disc brakes really are an improvement. Not every bike needs them, but if you're barreling down a steep alpine descent or single track they are absolutely wonderful. I'm sure that the great French constructeurs of old would have embraced them, at least for some types of bikes.

VO has to compete and disc brakes are the thing du jour regardless of their technical merits.

Do any Chicago shops stock soma bikes?

I am pretty sure Comrade Cycles does, but don't know how many or which models.

The chances of finding one of those is on stock is very slim.

If and when you do order do it from a shop.  Your order will have priority from Soma and you will have all the benefits of purchasing it from a shop over online.

Aother nice alternative to the Wolverine is the Specialized Awol.

About a two months ago, I got a Specialized AWOLxPoler. It's a really sweet ride. 

Definitely a cool bike. A guy at work has a Salsa Fargo that is real sweet. I definitely like the clean lines and almost straight top bar (old school) look of the SOMA.

Will you be bike packing or commuting? Just curious.

This will be a do it all bike. The geometry is relaxed and the rear wheel's drop-out will allow me to switch single-speed or three-speed hub for daily commute without much hassle.


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