The Chainlink

Nice first ride in the COLD.


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Today Friday beaUtiful day to ride. Low wind. Not to cold.

Look!  It's blue sky and sunshine.  As a fellow said to me as I arrived at my building: "I don't want to go in!"

I resisted the urge to check the calendar and make sure that it is, indeed, December.  No complaints here.

My God!, what's that giant fireball in the sky? Sunny and 50* on Dec.23 ! ! Some big storm/weather change must be coming. Let me check. - - - Yup ! Here it comes !

Lovely day for a ride.  We got out to the aquarium.  A bit damp, but nice and quiet and the trail almost all to ourselves.  Little guy fell asleep in his WeeHoo for the first time ever (usually he's so excited to be in it he doesn't fall asleep, no matter how tired).  It's great having my steady steed back and the time and weather to ride it.

After four days off my trike due to the flu how glorious it was to be out in the sunlight.

Nice shots of the Lakefront, Gene. It's always a pleasure to see your great sights.

I rode to the gym if that counts.


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