SOLD! - Vintage Bike for Sale - Late 1950's Men's Raleigh Lancer

I volunteer at Community Threads Resale Shop in Arlington Heights; the store has recently received three vintage bicycles as donations: a men's 1960's vintage Dawes Realmrider; a women's Huffy Regatta; and a men's Raleigh Lancer. Any one of the three would be a great winter restoration project. We are hoping to sell each for $65, or the set of three for $150. If seriously interested, please email me at

I have more photos available if desired.

Below are some comments and photos of the Raleigh Lancer:

  • Raleigh Lancer, manufactured in Nottingham England
  • Believed to be of late 1950's vintage - have seen identical bike (red, rather than black) stated to be from 1957.
  • In very good shape - possibly partially restored (rear fender does not look to be original)
  • Appears rideable, though I have not tested it (there is snow on the ground!)
  • Finish on frame appears to be original/unrestored
  • Appears to have many original parts - may be useful for parts if not restored

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Stopped by there earlier and couldn't see them, gone already?

Sorry I missed you - the bikes are in the back and so was I.  The staff is all volunteers, and most don't know what we have in the back of the store.  All three are still for sale, though there has been interest in all three.  

We have so little storage space, that the bikes are now up on a shelf, accessible with a ladder.  If you stop by tomorrow, tell the cashier you would like to see the bikes stored in the back.  Or, I will be in the store on Wednesday between 2 and 5 PM and can show them to you then.  Let me know which you prefer.  Thanks!

Alan Lloyd said:

Stopped by there earlier and couldn't see them, gone already?

I went to see this bike this morning (Tuesday, 11/18).  I did not buy it, but not because of it not being nice.  It is a rare bike, I just don't have the time and money to invest in it right now.  It also does not fit into my collection.  With a good deal of elbow grease it could be a real nice bike.  I give it a solid 6 out of 10.  It is all there, complete and original.  It's seen a good deal of use, but not abuse.

Sorry, Terry: I didn't see your reply until now!

I am off work today & tomorrow and may stop by - hopefully the bikes are still there, but it is no big deal if they have gone. I know Darrell well and have talked with hime after he saw the bike on Tuesday ...

Bought by me and thanks due to Terry for the original posting. I hope I manage to do the bike justice. I thought that I had commented on this thread earlier, saying that I now had the bike, but I don't see that - wonders of the internet?


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