The Chainlink

Does anyone have a "nice" route from Downtown to the Lagunitas Brewery?  By "nice" I mean bike lanes, minimal traffic, interesting waypoints, etc.  Heavily trafficked streets and deplorable road conditions in viaducts have me wondering.

I need this for a group of Seniors (65+) to ride at an average speed of 10 mph.

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Glad you worked it out (couldn't tell if you ever saw my post?) but you might try 15th street on the way back for the BNSF underpass-- it's much less hectic than 16th and it's newly paved/smooth as butter.  I personally get scared through that underpass on 16th-- trucks, buses, aggressive drivers who think they have the "smart" shortcut across that area, and people on foot (guards and such) standing in all the wrong places.

Jeff Blumenthal said:

We have a path that suits our needs in most cases.  We take 18th street to where it ends at Western Avenue.  There is an underpass with a sidewalk that can safely take our group on a sidewalk to 16th Street where there is a light and can cross Western.  16th takes us to Lagunitas.  On the return we have used Ogden and Roosevelt -- both with bike lanes and and traffic without complaints.  We do tweak the repute a bit to go by interesting places such as museums, public art, etc.

Everyone loves Lagunitas for the food, ambience and the beer.

I will.  The underpasses were the worst part so I will check 15th Street


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