The Chainlink

So after the amazing shit show that was Gabe and Michelle crapping all over the message board here I think it is a good time to ask this question.


What happened here is ridiculous, two people were allowed to run wild like a couple of monkeys flinging shit everywhere.  Regardless of who you want to see as wrong or right there the fact remains that they were allowed to carry on completely unchecked.


Why?  Light moderation is one thing but why should two defective people be allowed to run wild like that?  Especially when others have been kicked off for doing the same?


Didn’t we kick off Beezodog for hijacking threads and not letting an argument die?


Of course that leads to another thing; we have some loose rules but they never seem to be enforced, why?

So what is it, do we have an enforce rules or can people just do whatever they like?  Because it mostly looks like people can just act however they want…

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There would be more women, but I'm one that was asked and declined. I don't think I'm alone.

If you want to help the moderator team match the diversity of the community, then shoot Julie a note and let her know. I talked to her yesterday about this and my advice was that it was better to introduce a growing team than to continue to wait while she searched for more women.

Anywho! back to lurking and reading about bikes for me!

Sarah D. said:

I noted that with a sad face, too. Though, I wonder if it reflects (active or otherwise) membership on The Chainlink?

Andronymous said:

86% male

Some of my questions have been addressed and others have been ignored but at least we have some kind of rules and moderation update.

The new rules and moderation guidelines are still kind of a joke but an improvement on what was there.

Ya good now champ?

Yea, has your individual concerns been addressed or is more needed? For a forum that you could be LEAVING AT ANY TIME ARE YOU HAPPY???? If yo not happy there is a board at Reddit that covers bikes and there is also one on Craigs list.  I'm sure you could GO THERE and post to your hearts content with out any bit of unfairness or what not.

And you could GO THERE and no one would be unfair or impartial and you wouldn't have to worry about the fact that that The Chainlink is unfair or that, sorry to say, you didn't get a pony?!

Tandemonium said:

Ya good now champ?

And you could stop following and posting in this thread at any time as well.

Weren't you the one who was saying something about feeding trolls?

Haddon said:

Yea, has your individual concerns been addressed or is more needed? For a forum that you could be LEAVING AT ANY TIME ARE YOU HAPPY????

Tandemonium said:

Ya good now champ?


There are 10,000 members of The Chainlink (as of a recent event proclaimed) and for 9,999 of the members, (give or take) the sit works just fine.  If it doesn't work for you please let me know so that I can learn. I humbly ask you to enlighten me.

You stated this so what are the "guidelines are still kind of a joke" What is a joke to you? Explain? 

Also "Some of my questions have been addressed and others have been ignored" What has been ignored? Please explain. 

I, personally, don't like you. I have been subjected to your disdain and seen it many times and I think this board would be far better without you.  Given that you had no problem calling Julie out, practically goading her into a response I think you should be an example and show us all how it's done. Use your intellect, your logic, your reasoning. If you can't express your concerns in a logical fashion than you have no place calling the site owner out to explain herself and you owe her an apology. If your just unhappy because that's how you are as an individual than you should see a psychologist.

So please, tell us why are are you not happy with the the new guidelines and what questions have not been answered?

Please answer the questions. There is an old Chinese proverb (that I probably picked up from an Amy Tan novel) that there are people that don't really have anything they support but there is plenty they are against.  I put you in this group.

Explain your troubles, apologize or go away

Respectfully, Haddon

notoriousDUG said:

And you could stop following and posting in this thread at any time as well.

Weren't you the one who was saying something about feeding trolls?

Haddon said:

Yea, has your individual concerns been addressed or is more needed? For a forum that you could be LEAVING AT ANY TIME ARE YOU HAPPY????

Tandemonium said:

Ya good now champ?
I totally agree with you Michael B., the problems ARE far bigger than forum moderation ! And it's sad that the reason most members stay away from the forum, is because of these repetitive, tiresome activities.

So basically you want me to argue more here?  The new rules are enough for me to drop it and you want me to continue to argue?

Are you sure I'm the troll?

I already expressed my concerns and some were addressed, not exactly how I want but good enough for now so why argue it more?  It is pretty easy to go back and see what questions of mine were ignored, they are the ones nobody answered.

I'm confused as to what I owe Julie an apology for.  

I'm also confused as to why, when you hate my arguing so much, you want me to continue to do so when I feel things have been addresses.

Haddon said:


There are 10,000 members of The Chainlink (as of a recent event proclaimed) and for 9,999 of the members, (give or take) the sit works just fine.  If it doesn't work for you please let me know so that I can learn. I humbly ask you to enlighten me.

You stated this so what are the "guidelines are still kind of a joke" What is a joke to you? Explain? 

Also "Some of my questions have been addressed and others have been ignored" What has been ignored? Please explain. 

I, personally, don't like you. I have been subjected to your disdain and seen it many times and I think this board would be far better without you.  Given that you had no problem calling Julie out, practically goading her into a response I think you should be an example and show us all how it's done. Use your intellect, your logic, your reasoning. If you can't express your concerns in a logical fashion than you have no place calling the site owner out to explain herself and you owe her an apology. If your just unhappy because that's how you are as an individual than you should see a psychologist.

So please, tell us why are are you not happy with the the new guidelines and what questions have not been answered?

Please answer the questions. There is an old Chinese proverb (that I probably picked up from an Amy Tan novel) that there are people that don't really have anything they support but there is plenty they are against.  I put you in this group.

Explain your troubles, apologize or go away

Respectfully, Haddon

notoriousDUG said:

And you could stop following and posting in this thread at any time as well.

Weren't you the one who was saying something about feeding trolls?

Haddon said:

Yea, has your individual concerns been addressed or is more needed? For a forum that you could be LEAVING AT ANY TIME ARE YOU HAPPY????

Tandemonium said:

Ya good now champ?

The common characteristic of failed forums everywhere is failed moderation. In many regards, forums are like kindergarten: most of the time the kids are just fine and should be left alone but there always needs to be a grown-up in the room.

  • Forums that moderate to enforce ideas become echo chambers and drive all but the like-minded away.
  • Forums that don’t moderate to enforce behavior are taken over by the loudest voices that drive all but the like-minded away.

Often the biggest problem with moderators is that the people who want the job are the ones that should never be allowed to have it. Finding someone willing to wield the sword yet who doesn't want to wield the sword is a delicate balancing act.


I feel it necessary to put you on the same pike that you regularly offer to others.

"The new rules are enough for me to drop it", but your words in fact were:

"Some of my questions have been addressed and others have been ignored but at least we have some kind of rules and moderation update.

The new rules and moderation guidelines are still kind of a joke but an improvement on what was there."

What, in fact, is a jokeWhat has been ignored? This is the point in time where your constructive criticism would be the best, before things get formalized. I asked you to explain what is "a joke" and you failed to do so. The Chainlink surely operates on a modest budget with many volunteers. Given these constraints what is "a joke" and what has been "ignored" and what should be done to address these issues? It's one thing to take a piss and another to offer valid, intelligible, actionable criticism. I asked you to explain a bit and you didn't. You chose to move on and pretend you were civil.

You owe Julie an apology because: while you complain, you are either unwilling or intellectually incapable of stating you position.  So answer this question: What is a joke?  Answer the question, its not so difficult. For the record there are thousands of websites that have similar / ~the same rules. Why are they so bad here? Just answer the question.

Having anything to say about me / my posts is one of these: Defend yourself with logic and reasoning. I'm not asking you to do any thing that you didn't ask of anyone else. You were demanding of Julies time but as of yet you have not explained in a cogitant way what the problem is. If you can't explain what "A JOKE" is, or lay out what the problem is why do you feel a response is necessary?  At this point you have not and apparently will not, or cannot explain. If this is the case you are simply ranting and should be ignored as just a person who wants to get indignant but really has nothing positive to offer.

In this thread you said this Notorious: "I've made it clear in the past that I am OK if the things I say that are pushing or outside the rules are edited or deleted."

This is not the statement of a responsible adult but, in fact, a child. Basically you are saying "Oh I want to crap to my hearts content and if you have problems with it you clean it up".  How about when you post you manage to have enough decency and respect that your words don't need to get mopped up by people who probably aren't paid to do so. Be an adult.

In the YOLO (you only live once) philosophy you have down very cold being indignant and insulting. Please, before you die, how about becoming a person that every one respects as a noble human being. Once I talked to you at RT and thought you were pretty cool and I didn't get how you are so regularly vile on this site.  So before you kick the bucket how about, rather than being the type of person of whom there have been regular discussions about your continued presence on this board you become a person that people look up to, respect even. And I know you think this is unimaginable but it is, in fact, attainable.

You have it in you to be a decent person PLEASE WORK ON IT or please do THIS


(and I apologize to all who have to read this but, it needs to be done. Holding DUG to his own words might do him some good, we can only hope)

notoriousDUG said:

So basically you want me to argue more here?  The new rules are enough for me to drop it and you want me to continue to argue?

Are you sure I'm the troll?

I already expressed my concerns and some were addressed, not exactly how I want but good enough for now so why argue it more?  It is pretty easy to go back and see what questions of mine were ignored, they are the ones nobody answered.

I'm confused as to what I owe Julie an apology for.  

I'm also confused as to why, when you hate my arguing so much, you want me to continue to do so when I feel things have been addresses.

Haddon said:


There are 10,000 members of The Chainlink (as of a recent event proclaimed) and for 9,999 of the members, (give or take) the sit works just fine.  If it doesn't work for you please let me know so that I can learn. I humbly ask you to enlighten me.

You stated this so what are the "guidelines are still kind of a joke" What is a joke to you? Explain? 

Also "Some of my questions have been addressed and others have been ignored" What has been ignored? Please explain. 

I, personally, don't like you. I have been subjected to your disdain and seen it many times and I think this board would be far better without you.  Given that you had no problem calling Julie out, practically goading her into a response I think you should be an example and show us all how it's done. Use your intellect, your logic, your reasoning. If you can't express your concerns in a logical fashion than you have no place calling the site owner out to explain herself and you owe her an apology. If your just unhappy because that's how you are as an individual than you should see a psychologist.

So please, tell us why are are you not happy with the the new guidelines and what questions have not been answered?

Please answer the questions. There is an old Chinese proverb (that I probably picked up from an Amy Tan novel) that there are people that don't really have anything they support but there is plenty they are against.  I put you in this group.

Explain your troubles, apologize or go away

Respectfully, Haddon

notoriousDUG said:

And you could stop following and posting in this thread at any time as well.

Weren't you the one who was saying something about feeding trolls?

Haddon said:

Yea, has your individual concerns been addressed or is more needed? For a forum that you could be LEAVING AT ANY TIME ARE YOU HAPPY????

Tandemonium said:

Ya good now champ?

I find this post/delete post technique to be rather bizarre...

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h' 1.0 replied to notoriousDUG's discussion "So do we even have any form of moderation here?" on The Chainlink

I would like to propose a Chainlink-internal social service program by which people who regularly post to this forum only to declare how "over" this site is and how they've moved on and how much the current participants suck and yadda yadda are offered an incentive to allow Chainlink management to delete their account.

Kind of like a government sponsored smoking cessation or addiction treatment incentive, but hopefully with a lower recidivism rate.

Same as it ever was...


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