Whenever the forum seems depressed,

just bounce this thread to the top.

Who's got a happy song or happy thought to share?

What do you do when you're down in the dumps?

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NICE!!!!!! thanxs Thunder Snow!!!!!!!

+1 you response alone made me laugh and smile.

Telemundo is pretty cool
Ricardo Cervantes said:

I watch Telemundo.

Nice! Thanks for that.

Haddon said:

Ya, this thing is now my desktop background makes me feel all Carl Sagan-ish

Kevin C said:

Nice! Thanks for that.

Haddon said:


Peenworm "8 mile" Grubologist said:

Cooler still!

Peenworm "8 mile" Grubologist said:

What a fantastically beautiful three days of riding*.  I rode somewhere in Chicago I've never ever been before, which is very rare.  The east bank of the south lagoon.  Narrower than a sidewalk and not all level, but I figured worst case I'd fall in a few feet of water.  Bordered by lake shore drive, easy to get on from Fullerton or North, and perfectly maintained but no other people on the whole mile of it.
(*Or four days counting Mass Friday, or 10+ weeks counting consecutive days riding 10+ miles.)

When I need a happy pick-me-up my 2 year old son and I will listen to "What does the fox say" and try to dance to it.  Yes I know the song is annoying but to giggle and dance with my kiddo makes any crappy day better.


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