Companions wanted for a 1 week trip to Spain, see a couple stages of the Vuelta a Espana


I'm going to Madrid 9/12/2009 arriving the next day at 8am, I'm coming back 9/19/2009. I'm bringing my own bike, I have some suggestions if you want to bring yours.

I plan on touring around the Madrid area and then going to Segovia or Avila. I plan on camping and staying in hostels. I'm 53 and overweight but I like a good adventure.

I want to see stage 18 and perhaps stage 19 of the Vuelta. I've been to Spain twice and speak enough of the language to make the locals laugh. Plan on eating and drinking a lot. There will be mountains.

You can get a flight for $575 via:

Here is the web site of one of my favorite little towns:



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Nice, the ride from Madrid to Segovia is killer, real mountains and an awesome descent on the Segovia side. This is Alberto Contador's training grounds, not unusual at all to see him climbing and descending, the real pro's spend time doing high altitude intervals at the top of Nevacerrada. Yeah, I was a bad-ass a long time ago. ;)
I believe that I stopped 5-6 times on the way up to Nevacerrada, I wheezed a great deal.

There's a great fountain about 1k from La Granja, water is cold and you'll often find people stopped and filling jugs. Like every good fountain in Spain, there's a sign that reads, agua no potable. It's usually to scare off the tourists! ha ha
that sounds like a great vacation... hmmm maybe i can sell some plasma to gather money ;)


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