Nice first ride in the COLD.


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I got drenched a couple times. On the plus side, I tacked on an extra 16 miles to my commute this morning. Here's the view from the north side of the Shedd this morning just before 6am (and just after my first deluge).

Skip--very cool photo.

By 7:30 the rain was gone and there were even a few peeks from the sun.  It was pretty empty out there, even so.

I missed the deluge all together.  but it was nice out after the rain ended and all washed off and a bit cooler with some clouds still hanging around. 

Love it when it rains. Keeps the fairweathers off the lake path.

It was raining somewhat heavy for a few minutes just before I left.  In the past I have let this deter me from riding or make me put on rain gear.  then I remembered all the times it just stops the second I hit the street.  It reduced to barely a drizzle when I got outside.  I think from now on I'm avoiding rain gear all together unless its below 55-60.  Id rather be wet than over heated, and just bring a change of socks for the ride home. 

That's my approach, as well. It's a bit chilly from 60-65 with rain, but all the bother of the rain gear doesn't seem worth it, in that range or above.

Robert Underwood said:

It was raining somewhat heavy for a few minutes just before I left.  In the past I have let this deter me from riding or make me put on rain gear.  then I remembered all the times it just stops the second I hit the street.  It reduced to barely a drizzle when I got outside.  I think from now on I'm avoiding rain gear all together unless its below 55-60.  Id rather be wet than over heated, and just bring a change of socks for the ride home. 

I was trying to beat it, but got caught in the heavy stuff for a little while.  I just tell myself "I am not going to melt" and keep going.  It actually stopped after a few minutes and I was almost dry by the time I got to work!

Yes, I've been riding.  So batsh**t crazy at work I cannot even post these days!

Good news is that the rides really relax me and put me in a good place.

News says we're in a Summer polar vortex so I guess that means we'll be seeing a cold Summer?


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