I'm on a budget and need a set of rims since I egged mine on Saturday.
I would love to get a set at a LBS but no funds.
I have roughly $150.00 and I found 2 sets with good reviews.



Any thoughts??
1st set says hand built so I think that is a plus.
2nd set claims to be lighter?

These are going to replace my Oval 330's

Don't flame me to hard, I'm on a real tight budget :(


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okay 60 views and no responses I know when I have peeved you off.

I find it a risk to get rims on Amazon, only because if you get some bad spokes or a defect, you are sorta SOL. If you get a rim from a local shop, you at least have a place to go to to get it fixed or replaced. I would compare prices first from many shops, and see what you can do.

I agree. My CR-18 wheels purchased online needed to be trued and tensioned at the LBS. I only purchased online because the pricing including the wheels and truing still beat buying from the LBS by a wide margin. Otherwise, I have purchased from the LBS before because they were a better overall price value. At least when you buy from the LBS, it's a 100% guaranteed wheel.

I also have a used set of actually handbuildt wheels that I'd sell for $150. 36h XT hubs to Mavic rims. PM me if you're interested. 

I don't see much risk with either. Funny, I was just looking at the Aeros myself. I only need one wheel but for that price, you get two. All things being equal, get the cheaper ones. I didn't realize they were hand built. At that price, I'm not sure I believe it.

Not to rank on LBS because I try to buy local also, but for this price, even with a truing, you're coming out ahead.

Lanterne Rouge said:

I agree. My CR-18 wheels purchased online needed to be trued and tensioned at the LBS. I only purchased online because the pricing including the wheels and truing still beat buying from the LBS by a wide margin. Otherwise, I have purchased from the LBS before because they were a better overall price value. At least when you buy from the LBS, it's a 100% guaranteed wheel.

I know I should try a LBS but at this price I can not refuse.
Sometimes you have to say what the heck and take your chances.
If they are not true I will be going to a LBS to get them trued that I can promise.

I have a pair of the Aeromax wheels.  They aren't light, but seem to be holding up fine for the limited mileage I have on them.  No worries about the seller.  They will ship fast and come in a nice wheel box.

funny thing is I think the Oval 330's are about the same weight so it might be an even swap.
I'm not really concerned about weight I just performance!

Yeah, just meant that by "bike forum standards", they're not very light.  When you compare them to a traditional 32 spoke, steel axle clincher from 20 years ago - not that much different.

Did the Zerolights just price drop? They're $94 now. Weren't they more thean the Aeros yesterday? Am I imagining things? That's insane. You'd pay more for a just front wheel.

I need just one wheel but this is hard to overlook. Get's me a backwheel for free.


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