I've discovered that our low accumulation of funds for WWP is really due to the fact that my fundraising activity has been lackluster. But it's fair to consider distributing to other potential candidates.

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Well the Salvation Army hates the gays so you may want to take that into consideration.

Damn. I didn't know that. Did you have any good ideas?
The Salvation Army DOES NOT discriminate. I like them and so do my friends. Let's get our facts together, eh there Doug?!?!?


Well on the one hand: 

Ryan: "If I go and I read that [Handbook of Doctrine], and I connect with my [homo]sexuality, then that says, according to the Salvation Army, that I deserve death. How do you respond to that, as part of your doctrine?" 

Craibe: "Well, that's a part of our belief system." 

Ryan: "So we should die." 

Craibe: "Well, we have an alignment to the Scriptures, but that's our belief."

But on the other hand, we've got this pr statement on the salvation army website insisting they're cool, following public backlash.  

But on the gripping hand, http://www.philly.com/philly/living/Anti-gay_discrimination_tarnish...

So, lotta angles, lotta ins-n-outs, let's get our facts together. All of the facts. Put them together. 

Yes let's.

Why in the hell the Salvation Army would show any sort of bias towards the LGBT community is completely beyond my field of vision. My personal bias is due to all the support they provide to EVERYBODY during disaster relief, specifically after Hurricane Katrina.

Peenworm "8 mile" Grubologist said:

Well on the one hand: 

Ryan: "If I go and I read that [Handbook of Doctrine], and I connect with my [homo]sexuality, then that says, according to the Salvation Army, that I deserve death. How do you respond to that, as part of your doctrine?" 

Craibe: "Well, that's a part of our belief system." 

Ryan: "So we should die." 

Craibe: "Well, we have an alignment to the Scriptures, but that's our belief."

But on the other hand, we've got this pr statement on the salvation army website insisting they're cool, following public backlash.  

But on the gripping hand, http://www.philly.com/philly/living/Anti-gay_discrimination_tarnish...

So, lotta angles, lotta ins-n-outs, let's get our facts together. All of the facts. Put them together. 

Well I mean you can decide you aren't concerned with it and all but the conceit of "Let's Get Our Facts Straight" doesn't really work if you aren't going to bother to follow up on any link beyond SA's own PR 

Matt M. 18.5KM said:

Yes let's.

Why in the hell the Salvation Army would show any sort of bias towards the LGBT community is completely beyond my field of vision. My personal bias is due to all the support they provide to EVERYBODY during disaster relief, specifically after Hurricane Katrina.

Let it be said that I was deeply offended by Dug's OP which also didn't offer an alternative group which could benefit from additional funding. If indeed there is an anti-gay subculture within SA, it is my sincere wish that top administration show the rogues the futility in their purpose.

I actually would have offered you several LOCAL alternatives but you LOCKED THIS THREAD TO FURTHER COMMENTS after my post so, yeah, just keep being offended  there my friend.

FWIW, the last time I checked, a month or so ago, the Salvation Army's stance on homosexuality was that while they don't hate you for it they believe that, because you should hate the sin and not the sinner, it is OK to think about having sex with the same sex but that you should repress those urges and just be abstain from sex because that's the right thing to do...



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