From DNAinfo Chicago:


"A new detail dedicated to entertainment near the ballpark, led by Sgt. Angelo Hitiris, helped things run smoothly, said Cmdr. Elias Voulgaris and Ald. Tom Tunney (44th).

...Cops will also start cracking down on cyclists near Wrigley, Voulgaris said. Two officers on bikes will be ticketing cyclists who don't obey the law, Voulgaris said."

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Will they start cracking down on themselves for constantly double-parking in the Clark Street bike lane south of Addison?

Will they start cracking down on themselves for getting drunk and running down cyclists?

Well they got rid of the bucket boys. What a nuisance they are in the area on game days.

"Cops will also start cracking down on cyclists near Wrigley, Voulgaris said. Two officers on bikes will be ticketing cyclists who don't obey the law, Voulgaris said." 

The law during concerts or game time is do what they tell you, they have traffic cops overiding the signals, they don't allow riding or sometimes even walking with your bike during events and who would want to try?

Nice. Will they also be cracking down on the mouth-breathers that stand in the street because they don't understand the things we have in the big city called "curbs"?

Would love to see the bike cops making stalled cars get out of the bike lanes. Can I flag them down to do that? haha. 


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