1. You arrive to work injured or limping after a crazy bachelor or bachelorette party, they will assume it was some sort of bike accident.

2. They ask you to fix their bikes at work thinking they might get a better deal.

3. They question how much is thier crappy old bike worth so they can sell it or have you buy it or list it for them. 

4. They think you watch the Tour de France religiously.

5. They lecture you on the rules of the road and all the bad cycling they see people do.

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A lot of other reasons were discussed here

Yes, we all know we are cyclists, but this is about how OTHERS mindlessly see US.

Duppie 13.5185km said:

A lot of other reasons were discussed here

They ask if they can borrow your bike pump, because they assume you have one at work (of course, you do:-)

Yes, I do have a pump. Ha, and the growing number of riders at work ask to use it :D

yaj 7.4 said:

They ask if they can borrow your bike pump, because they assume you have one at work (of course, you do:-)

6. when in a motor vehicle, you see a pothole and you want to swerve, but lift your butt off the seat to anticipate the bump anyway.


Anne said:

6. when in a motor vehicle, you see a pothole and you want to swerve, but lift your butt off the seat to anticipate the bump anyway.

2, 4, 5, and 6 have all happened to me within the last 2 weeks...

5. They lecture you on the rules of the road and all the bad cycling they see people do.


That is quite funny, I also tend to drive like I ride also but your post is more suited to Duppie 13.5185km's suggestion of another post here.

Anne said:

6. when in a motor vehicle, you see a pothole and you want to swerve, but lift your butt off the seat to anticipate the bump anyway.


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