The regular riders out this way (all three of us) already know it, but if you are planning on taking a quick ride up Higgins.... don't.      The pavement was already in a contest for the worst street in Chicago.  Now they have ripped up the edges of the street for new curbs and this has, in turn, essentially rendered what was left of the right travel lanes unusable.    Yuck.

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Which part?  I ride Higgins a lot from JP to Park ridge, whatever work they are doing I don't imagine it will take too long.

We ride the same general part.   From about Nagle to Central.   Particularly in the East bound stretch from the Foster crossing to about Austin.   They have put in new curbs which, I think, must be preparing for new pavement.    Nagle's also out of commission with the pavement stripped off it.

Nagle is brutal to drive w/ the construction, can't imagine biking it.  I use Moody (Melvina) going N from Eastwood, its a lot safer than Nagle any time of day.  Talcott is a good road too.

I'm so happy they're finally fixing Higgins!  The corduroy isn't that bad to ride on.

Higgins has been repaved (well almost) which is good news and bad news.  The good news is that, with the exception of the few bus pads that have not yet been finished, the pavement is smooth and clear and free of pot holes.  A delight to ride upon   The bad news is that the pavement is smooth and clear and thus, apparently, a delight to drive upon.  Lots and lots of SUV's traveling at high rates of speed in the curb lane...


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