I've never been to this park before and wondered where the best sites are. (I can't make this weekend's outing to scout around.)

I'm planning a solo overnighter on a weekday soon and figured this would make a good trial run for bike camping.

Thanks for your replies.

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They are all drive-in sites and sort of by definition none of them are very good. I'm not saying you should not go, but don't expect any privacy or much quiet. 


Thanks, Fellas.

I don't expect much by the way of privacy at this place, what with the beach and all. This is strictly a "prove to myself that I can do it" affair.

I was there on Saturday and would recommend 202 or 203 where I camped.  No booze and near to the playground but plenty of space for the tent and able to pitch it far back from the road, also I think they try and save this area for smaller tents so no rv's etc.

Looking around I would also suggest some of the nonreservable pitches on the western most road.  Again some are deep with tree cover and an open view across fields to the sunset.

I imagine that if you're camping on a weekday if you won't even need to reserve a site beforehand. Just show up and scope it out.... Or, you could also just call the park and ask for their recommendations on the best sites.

But, my opinion echos Tony's, none of the sites are really that spectacular.

I liked the part on the north end, too, under the pine trees. good luck!


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