If you did and you're not signed up for the free Bike Commuter Challenge program we run, there's still time.


Even if it's just you, those numbers help us out...thanks! And the first person to sign up at their company or business get's a sweet technical fabric T-shirt.

Plus, we'll be celebrating Bike to Work Week at Bike Pit Stops all week in the city and suburbs. And the City of Chicago is hosting a ton of bike events too, including the Bike to Work Day Rally on Friday at Daley Plaza.



Here's a blog we just posted (copied/pasted below).


Ethan Spotts, Active Trans

It's Chicago Bike to Work Week!

On Saturday, June 8 at midnight, the starting flag dropped on the free Bike Commuter Challenge program, the best way to participate in Chicago Bike to Work Week. Have you signed up yet?

The Challenge, held every year during Chicago Bike to Work Week, creates thousands of new bike commuters in Chicagoland by connecting people itching to ride with their seasoned bike-commuting coworkers on employer teams.  Every team member just has to log at least one bike trip during Bike to Work Week, part of all of the way to or from work.  Teams are ranked on the percentage of their total employees who have logged at least one bike trip during Chicago Bike to Work Week, June 8-14, 2013.

If you haven't created or joined a team yet, it's not too late!  Team and team member registration extends through Bike to Work Day, Friday June 14!  You can pick up your team leader toolkit - full of great goodies for recruiting coworkers to join your team, like a poster, bike map, and bike commuting guide - at one of over 20 Chicagoland Bike Pit Stops or Bike to Metra events!  Find the event closest to you with this complete guide to Chicago Bike to Work Week events! The City of Chicago is hosting a ton of bike celebrations and Active Trans is busting out Bike Pit Stops all over the region.

Last week, Active Trans and the Bike Commuter Challenge were featured on both Chicago Public Radio's (WBEZ, 91.5) Worldview with Jerome McDonnell and CBS Chicago Morning News, with Vince Gerasole.  Click on the links below to listen to the radio show and see the television interviews (riding into the loop from Andersonville live)!

"Bike to Work Week Smackdown," Worldview with Jerome McDonnell, WBEZ 91.5, June 4, 2013

"Get ready for the Bike Commuter Challenge," CBS Chicago Morning News, June 5, 2013

"Vince gets in gear for the Bike Commuter Challenge," CBS Chicago Morning News, June 5, 2013

"Vince learns the benefits of biking to work," CBS Chicago Morning News, June 5, 2013

"You can save time and money by biking to work," CBS Chicago Morning News, June 5, 2013


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Tried to sign up.  It failed for an unknown reason (that was what the failure message said, "unknown reason").

Ugh, of course, sorry Skip...I'll alert the team and see if we can get it fixed. I'll keep you posted.


Ethan, Active Trans

Yes, we had a Bike To Work Week breakfast at our org this morning and had 40 people show up.

Regarding the challenge....it looks like the "standings" are being driven by total active particpants and not % of participants to total employee population as the rules state. A column for percentages would clarify who is really winning the competition.

way to go spence, we are tryign to gey our group going, i have to admit the web site is rather dificult to use if you doing go directly from point a to b

Sadly, it takes 40-50 seconds for the pages to load on the website.  I'm ok with it, but my co-workers don't have the patience.  We'll see if they log their rides through the week. 

Hi there, 

It's Brian from the Bike Commuter Challenge team.  

We definitely rank teams on a percentage of total employees who've tracked trips.  The vendor recently made the upgrade to their platform to accommodate our ranking system and initially misinterpreted how we wanted this metric to be displayed.  They are working now to fix this and a percentage of total employees whose [eligible trips are > 0] should be displayed momentarily.

Sorry for this inconvenience.

Brian Morrissey

Active Trans

spencewine said:

Regarding the challenge....it looks like the "standings" are being driven by total active particpants and not % of participants to total employee population as the rules state. A column for percentages would clarify who is really winning the competition.

Hi Skip, 

Sorry for your difficulties.  Please shoot me an email at brian@activetrans.org and let me know what your username (login email) is so I can start to troubleshoot your problem.

Brian Morrissey

Active Trans

Skip Montanaro 12mi said:

Tried to sign up.  It failed for an unknown reason (that was what the failure message said, "unknown reason").

Awesome, Thanks Brian! I know everyone over at SAIC loves this week and the work you guys do. And since we don't have a sports team to placate the competitive spirit, a lot of us really get into the challenge.
Active Transportation Alliance said:

Hi there, 

It's Brian from the Bike Commuter Challenge team.  

We definitely rank teams on a percentage of total employees who've tracked trips.  The vendor recently made the upgrade to their platform to accommodate our ranking system and initially misinterpreted how we wanted this metric to be displayed.  They are working now to fix this and a percentage of total employees whose [eligible trips are > 0] should be displayed momentarily.

Sorry for this inconvenience.

Brian Morrissey

Active Trans

spencewine said:

Regarding the challenge....it looks like the "standings" are being driven by total active particpants and not % of participants to total employee population as the rules state. A column for percentages would clarify who is really winning the competition.


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