I'd've thought this known, but TCL searches inconclusive.

Feels like a year or two ago the issue that Segways are motorized and the LFP is strictly non-motorized was settled.  Afterwhich I felt dramatic reduction from encountering a segwipede every ride, to only occasional crossings such as at Buckingham.

But I encountered one (a slow-moving tour block of maybe a dozen) yesterday on a long path segment (Monroe?), slowed, and upon venturing my uncertainty to their leader was rebuked.

Anyone know definitively if they're allowed?

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The suburbs.

Steven Vance said:

When I asked via Twitter, I got this response:

"Yes, legislation was drafted and introduced last year. Need to resolve issues w Park District and CDOT on where these belong."

That's the thing about the LFP during the summer, anyone who isn't you or in your crew is annoying and in the way.

It's all one big cluster-fuck of roadies, TTboys, fixie kids and cruisers, and that's just the freaking cyclists. If everyone would just use the damn thing as a Lake Front Path and not like some CAT 4 Crit or sight seeing tour we'd all be good.

But fuck the bitching, it's summer time CHI, let's all just grab a beer, pedal out to the rocks and chill the fuck on when riding on the lake. 

The LFP operates fine for the most part, although I heard recently they are looking into revamping it when they repave LSD in the next few years.

Where there's an inherent and totally avoidable conflict is the City using it as a revenue-generating opportunity: vending kiosks directly adjacent to it, those wide rental bike cars, and apparently now Segways.  Not the end of the world by any stretch, but these things could be more intelligently managed to make the Lakefront more enjoyable for everyone.

Wow Steven, thanks for asking!  That's the closest thing to exactly the answer so far.

The legality of Segways on the lakefront path may currently be undefined.

Draft legislation introduced by Alderman Reilly (42) on 2012.06.27 (as 9-80-205) would ban "electric personal assistive mobility devices" but doesn't define that.

I've often heard that "non motorized vehicles are not allowed on the lake front path" but I couldn't actually find a primary source verification of that.  Anyone know the code?

Interestingly, the existing code (9-80-200  Toy vehicles) would seem to ban anything electric from any sidewalk, and bans inline skates from all streets.

I remember when we discussed this before. The search here sucks! I thought I remember someone, maybe active trans, called one of the tour companies and got them to stop taking tours on the LFP? Can't remember now.

Here is a link to a page of Segway Rentals in Chicago.

I have written my alderman several times about segways.  My spouse is visually impaired and we live in an area with many segways.  As you might expect, the riders/drivers with 15 minutes of training are not good at avoiding pedestrians nor bikers.  If you are 100% physically able, then you can take corrective actions, but for my poor spouse there is a real potential for injury.  I've suggested for her to drop the white cane and opt for a cattle prod.

It galls me to see segways on the sidewalk downtown, riding through Millenium Park, and generally going wherever they darn well please.

Although my alderman is responsive, segways are a part of the political Chicago Way.

Had to come back to say that heading up the bridge before Roosevelt this morning, the (relatively attractive, I may add) leader of a Segway tour alerted his herd that I was passing on the left, waved, and smiled at me. I was so surprised I almost ran into a pole. Much appreciated, Segway dude! Perhaps he's also a cyclist, and saw this thread? It's ironic that the bridge was the same place I had complained about earlier here. 


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