If you have a bike trailer that you want to get rid of for low $ or even free, let me know. I'm looking for one.

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I have a Bobby knock off I could let go for 20 bucks. It has a 12" wheel on it which works but could use a 16" wheel at some point...

Do I need a special skewer for my rear wheel for it to work?

If your rear wheel bolts on then no problem.

If it is a quick release then you may want to change that out...

If he doesn't take it then Nick and I will

Sure thing Shar!

Yeah thats a pretty awesome trailer. Who is building trailers these days?

I gots dibs! But you're welcome to use it too though.
Chuck, I'll take it. I will just order the skewers for my bike first then I'll pick it up from you


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