I just stumbled upon this article as I was searching out any recent media mentions of The Chainlink.


Here is an article from The Atlantic from May 17th:

Cyclists Aren't 'Special,' and They Shouldn't Play by Their Own Rules


Read the full article here

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>>>>David Barish 42 minutes ago I had a chance to re read the article and watch the video. I think they jive.

Thank you. 


Go away, troll.

Lisa Curcio 4.0 mi said:

h', I like it, but if one were to correct grammar and spelling in the forums it could be a full-time job.  While I am at it, though, could everyone properly use "then" and "than"?  The mis-use drives me crazy.  Thank you.

I am leaving this thread 'ever for greener fields and the LFP. 

In the aim of raising civility could we please start with not 'dissing the ladies if we could. It's going to be a nice day so hit the pedals. Take Care!


Zoetrope said:


Go away, troll.

Lisa Curcio 4.0 mi said:

h', I like it, but if one were to correct grammar and spelling in the forums it could be a full-time job.  While I am at it, though, could everyone properly use "then" and "than"?  The mis-use drives me crazy.  Thank you.

Skipping the whole ~whatever was going on in this thread~ , the article seems to be trading in snide condescension over having anything to say. If your conclusion is "you know what else isn't fair? Everything. Get over it," then why should anyone be paying attention to what you think people should be doing in the first place? 

Now that we're back on track, that article is still one of the saddest pieces of poo I've ever read. How could that make it past any editor? 

A-MEN. I'll respect bike lanes when cyclists start respecting EVERY OTHER traffic rule: Cyclists Arent Special

This is what you get when you write articles like "Cyclists Aren't Special". More fuel for the Alexandra's and Emma's of the world. 



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