Hello Biker People,

As usual the World Naked Bike Ride-Chicago will be in June this year. June 8th to be specific. And as usual we need assistance.

I'm the head of security for this ride and I need clothed volunteers for corking and crowd control. Imagine a Naked Critical Mass. Our goal is to keep the non-riding public (spectators) from becoming gropers ad grabbers. Smiling and a positive attitude is all I ask.

This year we are also going to have a second group of volunteers for clean up. We use a north side park as a rest stop and have left it in horrible condition many times. This is not the goal behind the ride. If u are environmentally minded and dont want to get involved in the nude aspect of the ride i would ask for you to pht your effort into this group.

There is a Naked Ride Security group you can join with some FAQ. And i'm always willing to talk if you have questions. My e-mail is gec00@hotmail.com. Drop me a line with your number and i'll get in touch.

And cause no good deed should go unpaid we do imbibe a few drinks after the ride. Ofcourse there is no expense for the volunteer. :)

Thanks for your attention.

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I wish I had the exact set of citations.  We covered this in some detail in Political Science class. The basic premise is that the first opposition to the Viet Nam War did not begin with the youth, it began with the Grandmothers and the mothers.   Once the "counter-culture" got involved with the protests, the idea that people who opposed the war were "not like us", resulted in a re-evaluation of the opposition of the Grandmothers and the Mothers.   The perception quickly grew, particularly among Nixon's "silent majority".    The result is that the nature opponents of the war -- the Mothers and Grandmothers -- had their opposition to the war delayed.    Society tends to focus on the "few" and draw conclusions about the movement as a whole from the few.  Thus the few (and it really is a few) that choose to participate in this bicycle ride will have the rest of us viewed in the same light.   As non-serious, anti-social individuals that have decided to go against the societal rules.   That's not the way to get better infrastructure.

Complete irrelevant. Don't litter this thread with trolling.

Fascinating. Tell us more, please.

David crZven 10.6 said:

I wish I had the exact set of citations.  We covered this in some detail in Political Science class. The basic premise is that the first opposition to the Viet Nam War did not begin with the youth, it began with the Grandmothers and the mothers.   Once the "counter-culture" got involved with the protests, the idea that people who opposed the war were "not like us", resulted in a re-evaluation of the opposition of the Grandmothers and the Mothers.   The perception quickly grew, particularly among Nixon's "silent majority".    The result is that the nature opponents of the war -- the Mothers and Grandmothers -- had their opposition to the war delayed.    Society tends to focus on the "few" and draw conclusions about the movement as a whole from the few.  Thus the few (and it really is a few) that choose to participate in this bicycle ride will have the rest of us viewed in the same light.   As non-serious, anti-social individuals that have decided to go against the societal rules.   That's not the way to get better infrastructure.

Please save my post at the big O, looks like I will be able to make it.

Sounds like it'll be you and me directing traffic again this year.

Michael A said:

Please save my post at the big O, looks like I will be able to make it.

My fourth ride will be my first as part of the security team.

Michael and Tank, your spot is reserved. Ciso, welcome aboard! ;-)

Hi gabe this is marshall marone i can help with security i did it last year a last minute volunteer if you need me i can be reached at www.bubber8362@yahoo.com

Hello Marshall, please join the Naked Ride Security group. I'll do the majority of my communicating through there.
http://www.thechainlink.org/group/nakedridesecurity - direct folks to this group for info. The ride quickly approaches :)

2nd mass message was send to the Naked Ride Security group.

I hear there are a few people in the Open group on Facebook saying they are doing security. They haven't spoken to me though. Does someone have the kindness in their heart to shepherd them to the right spot? The open group on facebook for Naked Ride is not somewhere I'll tread.


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