Nice first ride in the COLD.


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Not many of us, David.  What's your route?

David crZven 10.6 said:

The ride out to O'Hare was kind of nice today.   I took it easy and took the slower, but more pleasant route.  One or two "idiots" in cars, but most of the bicyclists seemed in a pleasant mode and were being polite and respecting things such as red Lights. 

I have a couple of them.  Lincoln to Wilson to west of Elston to Lawrence, to Laman to Ainslie to Higgins to Bryn Mawr.   Or Lincoln to Wilson to North Branch Trail to Bryn Mawr to Forest Glen to Berwyn via many side streets to NW Highway to Austin to Foot bridge over Kennedy to Balmoral to Higgins to Bryn Mawr..   and variants thereon.   I tend to avoid Lawrence and Elston like the plague.

I ride Lawrence-Higgins-Bryn Mawr mornings and the reverse in the evening, cause I'm a glutton for punishment.

Know those routes well, from my Lincoln Square days. Now it's Harlem to Montrose to Canfield to Higgins for me.

A little cooler today.  Still beats the hell outta April!

Yes.  Very windy, but very nice temps!

First day commuting to work!  Beautiful ride. As I cruised up Dearborn, it was easy to forget I was in Chicago, and not in Amsterdam. First time on the new Bike Lane, first time riding to work. The indoor locked bike room at my office is the icing on the cake!

Yay! Good for you! (and your colleagues and the planet!)

CaptFinny said:

First day commuting to work!  Beautiful ride. As I cruised up Dearborn, it was easy to forget I was in Chicago, and not in Amsterdam. First time on the new Bike Lane, first time riding to work. The indoor locked bike room at my office is the icing on the cake!


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