How do you plan to escape the coming Zombie Apocalypse?

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A shovel, an ax and a cricket bat seem to be popular choices.

A Super Soaker filled with Plochman's mustard, a Rascal Scooter, and an iPod filled with acid house music to soundtrack the chaos and destruction.   

I'm thinking of a cage built around my bike with spikes on it and dual shotguns mounted on the front.

Don't forget the bic pen.

Julia C 7.5 mi said:

Crossbow on my back (since they're so effective), maybe panniers on the back lightly loaded? Not sure what to do about our dog though...

Ken Gray said:

I'd use a bike for sure. The roads would be choked with cars, no one could get out of the city. A mountain bike on trails and as the crow flies might be the only way out. I like the machete idea too!

Considering the fees for borrowing shovels are already outrageous, especially when one considers that they have to be returned in only 30 minutes, I find the proposed fines to be beyond unreasonable.

Furthermore, I would like to publicly note my disappointment with the way Active Trans has been handling this.

Chi Lowe 12.5+ mi said:


I will ask the city to change the ordinance to increase fines for reckless, shovel-wielding cyclists and the zombies who try to bite them.  As part of the change, the fee levied on zombies for biting a cyclist will double: from $500 to $1,000, and the fees for striking a zombie with a shovel will go from $25 to as high as $200, depending on where the zombie is struck.

As an organization, The Chainlink can't just say "it's okay to hit someone on the head with a shovel just because they're trying to eat your brain".  We feel these new fines will improve safety for the living, the undead, and the bitten who will soon be undead.

No plans too escape. I'll just hunker down at NW suburban compound, picking off the stray zombies, from atop my roof, who were too stupid to head into the city for the feeding frenzy. Then, when all is said and done, I might head into the sunset astride my trusty 3 speed with my Bowie knife strapped to my hip, my Ruger slung over my shoulder, bandoliers across my chest and panniers stuffed with MREs.

I'll miss my wife and kids.

I hope everyone has seen this movie before. If not, DO. (Shaun of the Dead).

Gene Tenner said:

A shovel, an ax and a cricket bat seem to be popular choices.

Shovelbuster doesn't mess around about late fee's. They will come after you ate up by a zombie or alive. 

Mike F said:

I don't think a zombie invasion is something Active Trans is equipped to deal with. But if a zombie is after you are you going to worry about a late shovel return fee?
The question in my mind has always been which route to take out of the city in the event of the zombie apocalypse. while this is obviously a game time decision, I like the idea of heading west to the prairie path. The idea being that the roads will be clogged with cars, bodies and such. I'd take my long haul trucker.

Good route idea. 

Jim Freeman said:

The question in my mind has always been which route to take out of the city in the event of the zombie apocalypse. while this is obviously a game time decision, I like the idea of heading west to the prairie path. The idea being that the roads will be clogged with cars, bodies and such. I'd take my long haul trucker.



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