I need to get a bike for a friend, Can someone please send me Biker Kens number, I got his number from you guys before and have bought bikes from him in the past. You know the guy with any bike you could ever want. Thank you, hope to hear back soon.

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I am sorry to have to be the one to tell you Ken's still in the holding pens at 26th and Cal. and thus a little hard to reach at the moment. 


You could try snail mail?

His address is here:



Haha, sucks to be him, but this isnt the guy. the guy I know is legit...


I think I just broke a rib laughing. 

h' 1.0 said:

I am sorry to have to be the one to tell you Ken's still in the holding pens at 26th and Cal. and thus a little hard to reach at the moment. 


You could try snail mail?

His address is here:



Who could resist a setup like that?

James BlackHeron said:


I think I just broke a rib laughing. 

h' 1.0 said:

I am sorry to have to be the one to tell you Ken's still in the holding pens at 26th and Cal. and thus a little hard to reach at the moment. 


You could try snail mail?

His address is here:




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