So i live in the burbs but ill be heading up this weekend to check out some shops i chitown. So tell me your favorite one, and why.


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Reply by James BlackHeron 2 hours ago

That depends entirely on someone's definition of "decent."

*Sigh*  I don't want to get into a troll debate here but I'm just talking from first-hand experience.  'Decent' is a relative term.  So is 'Happy.'  And I can say with certainty that lots of people are happy with the Satellite sport as an entry-level road bike they can commute with, ride centuries, or even tour.  And it's less than $700, and you've got the best (yeah, another relative term, I'll admit) shop in Chicago standing behind you.

You might disagree with me.  You might think it's not worth the money.  Or you might be surprised at how well a $700 steel bike rides.  Either way, we're not gonna settle this exchanging replies on some online forum.  But if you want to come into the shop and check us out, brother, you're more than welcome to do so.


You call me a troll with your first breath and then sign off with, "Peace?"


Agree to disagree...

Paul Michael Ignacio said:

Reply by James BlackHeron 2 hours ago

That depends entirely on someone's definition of "decent."

*Sigh*  I don't want to get into a troll debate here but I'm just talking from first-hand experience.  'Decent' is a relative term.  So is 'Happy.'  And I can say with certainty that lots of people are happy with the Satellite sport as an entry-level road bike they can commute with, ride centuries, or even tour.  And it's less than $700, and you've got the best (yeah, another relative term, I'll admit) shop in Chicago standing behind you.

You might disagree with me.  You might think it's not worth the money.  Or you might be surprised at how well a $700 steel bike rides.  Either way, we're not gonna settle this exchanging replies on some online forum.  But if you want to come into the shop and check us out, brother, you're more than welcome to do so.


An earlier post from the OP said that he was looking at road bikes and would like to get into the sport.  That sort of sounds like he's interested in racing.  If that's the case then James is right, you'd probably want tiagra/105 or sram apex level shifters that you shift down or up from the drops. Yes, a sufficiently good rider can win with virtually anything but it's nice to have equipment that won't unnecessarily make you do things that increase the chances of getting in an accident in order to do well.  

Paul Michael Ignacio said:

Reply by James BlackHeron 2 hours ago

That depends entirely on someone's definition of "decent."

*Sigh*  I don't want to get into a troll debate here but I'm just talking from first-hand experience.  'Decent' is a relative term.  So is 'Happy.'  And I can say with certainty that lots of people are happy with the Satellite sport as an entry-level road bike they can commute with, ride centuries, or even tour.  And it's less than $700, and you've got the best (yeah, another relative term, I'll admit) shop in Chicago standing behind you.

You might disagree with me.  You might think it's not worth the money.  Or you might be surprised at how well a $700 steel bike rides.  Either way, we're not gonna settle this exchanging replies on some online forum.  But if you want to come into the shop and check us out, brother, you're more than welcome to do so.


I was going to mention that but I've never had service or purchased anything other than a glass with the logo on it at a fundraiser. btw if they still have them I'm thinking 3 more so I have a nice set for company and such.

Haddon said:

Everybody fully knows that the best bike shop in the city is Working Bikes.

But if your coming in from the burbs why waste your time in bike shops? Do the lake front trail and then do it again.


Reply by James BlackHeron 4 hours ago

You call me a troll with your first breath and then sign off with, "Peace?"


I think I was just trying to suggest something about the duality of man...

But seriously, to the OP, I hope you find what you're looking for.  Get on some road bikes, figure out what you want, and get out there!  The world really is an amazing place when it's seen from a bike.

If you're looking to race, get a light aluminum bike with integrated shifters.  I'd say the level of componentry is a bit less important than committing to clipless pedals and shoes and actual cycling clothing and a properly fitting helmet.  You're gonna need all of these if you want to start doing training rides and longer group rides.

If you're simply looking for a more efficient bike than your mountain bike on multi-hour bike-path rides with an eye towards centuries and even touring, then I'd suggest you look at some steel bikes.  Nothing's more versatile, or comfortable, especially at the price point you mentioned.

In whichever case, I'd suggest you go into any and all of the shops discussed here, and throw your leg over some bikes.  Not only will the people there sort out the myriad possibilities of bikes out there, but they should also answer any questions you have.  They should also encourage you to ask those questions, and if they try to make you feel stupid for voicing them, just walk out. 

You said you wanted to get into the sport, but to be honest that doesn't narrow it down too much.  There's just so much more to cycling than pinning on a number and going fast, as fun as that is.  A good shop should help you find all that out...

If only everyone who quoted or referenced a video to Full Metal Jacket on the internet were actually a combat vet or at least gone to Basic in a Combat Arms MOS the world would be a better place.


Paul Michael Ignacio said:

Reply by James BlackHeron 4 hours ago

You call me a troll with your first breath and then sign off with, "Peace?"


I think I was just trying to suggest something about the duality of man...

Scouts out.

Thank god Kubrick himself served honorably for years, thus giving him the right to create such a powerful and scathing film, because otherwise where does that freaking guy get off, right?

Aside to the OP: find a bike and get outside and ride it, thus avoiding the internet and all its pitfalls.

By the way, as we were all jabbering at each other, our man got himself a bike and seems very happy.

One more rider out on the road!

Kubrick served as what?  Spoiled Hollywood director/producer isn't a branch of the US military as far as I know. 

Paul Michael Ignacio said:

Thank god Kubrick himself served honorably for years, thus giving him the right to create such a powerful and scathing film, because otherwise where does that freaking guy get off, right?

The tactic of trying to show your superiority to your 'debate partner' by making it sound stupid to be arguing online, while doing exactly that, is perhaps the most obnoxious of all.

Um, yeah, that was sarcasm?  Maybe we can just end this 'discussion' now, since our friend the OP seems to have found his ride and is quite contented?  Whattya say?


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