WBEZ: With no rules of the road, Chicago’s pedicabs thrive

WBEZ Pocast

In Chicago’s ‘Wild West’ pedicab industry business is up, but so are run-ins with the police.
As winter slowly melts into spring, you'll see them around Chicago with greater frequency. Hanging around after Bulls games and theater performances, armed with heated blankets and bicycle bells. More than a few showed up outside Wrigley Field at the Cubs home opener on Monday. With warm weather on the way, not to mention baseball games and endless music festivals, Chicago’s pedicabs are ready to take over the streets again.


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The city just wants its cut.

get your street performers license! you are a physical/prop artist. the bike is your pallete

done and done

i have used that card to get away with almost anything on the streets of our metropolis... i've projected commercials on skyscrapers even!...and the judge even said.. oh yeah!!! next!....

loopholes.. people... they are right there for ya

I'd love to see more pedicabs on the roads, but the rental-versions on the lakefront path are inappropriate IMO.

wait.. it's been buggin' me...
the city is the palatte!!...
the bike is the brush..
the streets are empasto...
..there! that's better!
(puts away crayons)

i'd say?
fill the streets with pedi cabs!.
if that will
crowd out one murderous motorist.

bk (aka: Dr. Mambohead) said:

get your street performers license! you are a physical/prop artist. the bike is your pallete

done and done

i have used that card to get away with almost anything on the streets of our metropolis... i've projected commercials on skyscrapers even!...and the judge even said.. oh yeah!!! next!....

loopholes.. people... they are right there for ya

See that's perspective.. I kinda feel like this is the start of the OFF-season for the lakefront path... for me!... I mean... so what's another anyway!?! I look at lfp as a kind of unreasonable bike route from around now, until maybe around Halloween!

great people watching tho!
& lot's of friendly well-wishers..
right around every bend

Carter O'Brien said:

I'd love to see more pedicabs on the roads, but the rental-versions on the lakefront path are inappropriate IMO.

LOL.  You do certainly have a point... I tend to keep my LFP riding in the morning rush hour once we hit swim suit weather.   But I am working on a near-fanatical pipe dream of the post-Navy Pier Flyover LFP, where as we breeze along the trail there are people holding out trays of beer and champagne for us to grab and sip.  Hmm, actually, for the price tag, that vision doesn't sound that outlandish at all...

bk (aka: Dr. Mambohead) said:

See that's perspective.. I kinda feel like this is the start of the OFF-season for the lakefront path... for me!... I mean... so what's another anyway!?! I look at lfp as a kind of unreasonable bike route from around now, until maybe around Halloween!

great people watching tho!
& lot's of friendly well-wishers..
right around every bend

Carter O'Brien said:

I'd love to see more pedicabs on the roads, but the rental-versions on the lakefront path are inappropriate IMO.


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