As if now, I'm going for it.

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No doubt I will be out there. it is 16 right now and just got back from the grocery. Nothing the right clothes can't solve. Wasn't too bad and the winds weren't unbearable. That is usually the biggest problem I have. If the winds are 20+mph (consistently not gusts), I usually have to walk the bike or put it on the bus.

HECKA YEAH! Just got some bar mitts at the bike swap! Wondering if I will see anyone on the Roose or Ogden...

Going to commute by bike tomorrow.  So glad that I can!

I am sure I will be out there; no matter how cold I am or how windy it is riding a bike will always beat the indignity of riding the CTA.

Lord do I hate the bus.

Plus 1

notoriousDUG said:

I am sure I will be out there; no matter how cold I am or how windy it is riding a bike will always beat the indignity of riding the CTA.

Lord do I hate the bus.

I am planning on it unless winds are too bad.  Will be going in later than usual since it is a holiday, so maybe it will be a bit above zero when I leave. ;-)  

Edited to add:  Just checked the hourly forecast.  It is actually going to be warmest at about 7:00 a.m. and then start dropping to the low Tuesday morning of about 2 degrees in the city.  

Fine, don't let me wallow in dramatic hyperbole.

It's not *that* bad I just dislike it due to a couple of terrible incidents I have had on the bus and the CTA in general.  I avoid public transit like the plague but I know some people love.  Different strokes for different folks

h' 1.0 said:

I actually like riding the bus quite a bit.  What's the "indignity" thing about?
I'll be riding tomorrow though... not sure why I wouldn't be.  Cold is completely conquerable, just give me dry pavement.

notoriousDUG said:

I am sure I will be out there; no matter how cold I am or how windy it is riding a bike will always beat the indignity of riding the CTA.

Lord do I hate the bus.



I will be riding tomorrow, in Evanston and Skokie. I have a class in Skokie at 19:00, so I will really have to bundle up!

It's a possibility, but I've yet to commit.

I"ll decide in the am. Definitely will bike to my gym in Lincoln Square.....maybe will bike to Diversey and pick up El from there.


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