The Chainlink

I know there are a lot of crafty types here and I thought maybe someone could point me in the right direction.

I badly need to install a leather 'strap' like the one pictured here (random image) on my instrument:


I have one on a beater horn and it's proven to be a wonder-cure for some pretty bad wrist tendonitis that started when I began practicing regularly again.


Unfortunately the tubing on my "good" horn does not allow the part that wraps around the large tubing to fit (will try to find an image to illustrate).  So it seems my options are to buy another strap and try to cut it and restitch it, or to start from scratch.


So my questions:
-would I find this sort of really thick leather in a normal everyday fabric store?

-would any "laypeople" be likely to have a sewing machine that would actually get the sticthes through?

-anyone think this might be easy work for them and want to earn some $$?


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Howard, If you don't find any other help, the guys at the leather shop next to Jackhammer (on Clark just North of Devon) could probably custom make the piece you want fairly easily.

Thanks for the additional tips.  I think my first line of attack will be to try to visit a shoe repair of two near home and see if anyone's up to the job.  Wish I had the tools and the skills.

FWIW here's an actual picture of my beater horn and my "good" horn showing the disparity.

I'm proud of the Chicago cycling community for NOT suggesting bar tape!

Actually, part of the benefit of the strap is that the surface against my palm is a bit tacky rather than smooth, meaning I can use a little less force to keep the horn from slipping.... so there actually would be some benefit from bar tape-- just probably not as much as I really need. In the short term I probably will try to wrap with something.

Juan Primo said:

I'm proud of the Chicago cycling community for NOT suggesting bar tape!

I found this old thread searching for this one:

Interesting the place on Elston was not recommended at that time.

Partway there towards a happy ending:
I took the previous strap to a local shoe repair guy and he cut it down and placed new Velcro to fit.

It was interesting seeing him use all these old machines (guessing  they were from the 30s or even 20s.)

Would probably call on him if I want to have any fabricated.

I still need to order a new strap and have its screw post soldered to my horn before I can see if I'm completely in business.

Wish I had "workshop" space in my cluttered little abode.

Made me think about my late grandfather who had a shoe repair business and had all of those old machines!

And you have yet to tell us how well the cat plays.


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