I found these a while back online, and got a white one for my wife's bike. Pretty sweet! It's harder to get the original cover off than it is to install the new one, but overall it was pretty easy. The old cover had been banged up and cracked from a couple of drops onto the pavement at speed, and it was faded from the sun. It practically looks like a new lock now, and it matches the bike.

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Cool.  I've just been wrapping my beat-up locks in friction tape.

Do you have a link to these?

If you search eBay for Kryptonite skin, you'll find them. Some LBS might carry them, too.

BruceBikes said:

Cool.  I've just been wrapping my beat-up locks in friction tape.

Do you have a link to these?

Too much leather for me, but it looks nice.

J. Smith said:

very cool. i may need to get myself a red one. i got a penchant for red

Yup, that would be my color, if I bought one for myself.

Ding Ding Ding! We have a winner for the daily contest of absolutely unnecessary but beautiful bikey stuff.


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