I am confused about bike fit. I am 6'1 and ride a 58cm Specialized Secteur Bike. I had a BG fit done and my stem shorted down to 90 mm to relieve some upper body back pain (originally 110) . The fit seemed to work. Recently I went to have a fit kit fitting done to explore having a steel touring bicycle built. I did the fit kit and learned I have about an 88cm pubic bone height and a lot of other measurement were taken.  After the fit, the bike fitter told me I had very short femur bones I think 16 inches or something like that . I was told I need a very steep seat tube angle to get my foot over the center of the peddle spindle. He suggested my present bike be modified with a zero offset seat tube and he moved my seat 2.5 cm forward and we added a 110 mm stem angled upward.

Ok I am very confused how does one bike fitter set me about 7cm aft of the bottom  (measuring bottom bracket through the center of the seat)bracket and another suggest a zero  offset tube and place  the saddle all the way forward.

I was told because of my short femur to get the ball of my foot over the spindle I need to bring my foot forward.  Still I could have sworn I had my foot over the spindle when the seat was back, and now have it over the spindle with the seat forward. The problem is I am pretty far forward on my bike now and it feels like I need to push my bars out even further.

I did some riding with the new position and got some pain on the lower outside of my left knee that I didn't have before. When I was on the fit kit machine it felt really great, but applied to my present bike it seems a bit weird. 

What confuses me more is I want the bike for touring. Is it normal to have a touring bike with a 75 degree seat angle? I guess I am sort of confused by bike fitting. 

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That is a great idea. All the touring bikes I ride have very slack seat angles, but I guess if going custom anything is possible.   I can say moving the seat so far forward and using the zero degree offsett post on my existing road bike has caused some real left knee, and low back pain that I didn't have when my seat was farther back. However, I don't know if that is simply because I can only move the front  bars of my existing frame only so far with the longer stem. Great advice!


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