The Chainlink

Planning for a Friday Morning Memorial for Neill Townsend to Raise Awareness about Dooring and Sharing the Road



The date for the memorial has been changed to FRIDAY, OCTOBER 19TH.
We will meet from 8-8:30 am at the northwest corner of Wells and Oak Streets.

Here is the link to the event page.


This is a new discussion based off of one of the threads of conversations in the discussion "Bicyclist killed at Oak & Wells Friday AM". Some folks were on board with the idea of holding a memorial on the morning of Friday, October 19th around the time the accident occurred, which would create the opportunity for it to serve as a chance to raise awareness about dooring and sharing the road at a high traffic time. Several people made good suggestions there. They are copied and pasted in a reply below.

If you have any suggestions or you're willing to help out, please comment here.

Once details have been worked out, I'll post it as an event. 

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Yes, +1 Duppie.

Two weeks would be 8am Friday October 19th.

Duppie said:

Should we delay it by one week, so that Neill's family and friends have a chance to attend as well?

efe said:

Services for Neill will be on Thursday and Friday in Kentucky.  I know many of his friends would like to attend the memorial here in Chicago, but cannot be in two places at once. 

The event as planned seems to be primarily about raising awareness. I say strike while the iron is hot.

Duppie said:

Should we delay it by one week, so that Neill's family and friends have a chance to attend as well?

efe said:

Services for Neill will be on Thursday and Friday in Kentucky.  I know many of his friends would like to attend the memorial here in Chicago, but cannot be in two places at once. 

Let's do it every Friday at the same time for a month. And dedicate the next critical mass ride to it.

I agree. If we wait a week, this will be a fuzzy memory for most non-cyclists.

Kristy's idea is interesting. I'd be on board to help.

h' said:

The event as planned seems to be primarily about raising awareness. I say strike while the iron is hot.

Duppie said:

Should we delay it by one week, so that Neill's family and friends have a chance to attend as well?

efe said:

Services for Neill will be on Thursday and Friday in Kentucky.  I know many of his friends would like to attend the memorial here in Chicago, but cannot be in two places at once. 

I'm afraid it may get lost in with other posts if you upload it here. Kristy, is it ok if she emails the file to you? I know you can't print it, but would it be too much trouble to swap out the graphic on the existing flyer to make the second one? I don't have the software or the knowledge for that, but I could see about running some off at work.

Bliss BT said:


I've been away from my computer (for once)  I can get a pdf uploaded tonight when I get home from work.  Who should I send it to? Or just upload it here?

I'm not sure if waiting for 1 week would diminish the effect very much, many of the drivers whom we are trying to educate it may not even have the accident on their radars.  

If the intent is to have it quickly than maybe that Monday morning would allow friend and family to attend.  It would probably be very nice and have great impact to allow those who new him to be present. 

Melissa M said:

I agree. If we wait a week, this will be a fuzzy memory for most non-cyclists.

Kristy's idea is interesting. I'd be on board to help.

h' said:

The event as planned seems to be primarily about raising awareness. I say strike while the iron is hot.

Duppie said:

Should we delay it by one week, so that Neill's family and friends have a chance to attend as well?

efe said:

Services for Neill will be on Thursday and Friday in Kentucky.  I know many of his friends would like to attend the memorial here in Chicago, but cannot be in two places at once. 

I added the bullet points from Kristy's on the back.  It is set up for 4 per 8.5 by 11 page.  I can make any other changes later this afternoon. 

I will reach out to a teacher I know at Payton - no guarantees, but I'll see...

Cameron Puetz said:

Does anyone have any connections at Walter Payton High School or Salazar Elementary? When raising awareness these are important groups to reach out to as many of the near misses in that area involve parents dropping off students.

Tough call - having it exactly a week after the tragedy and/or when the family and close friends can be there. 

I've made an additional flyer with bullet points focusing on the root cause of this issue - dangerous infrastructure - and offering solutions with links to the active trans petition:

What do you guys think? I can print up some of these, too.


I've already contacted a teacher I know at Walter Payton. He gave me the name and email of one of the assistant principals and said he'd be the best person to contact about the memorial. Does anyone know someone at the elementary school across the street (Salazar)?

We need to choose when. I vote for Kristy's idea. This week could focus on awareness (visibility, flyers), with a moment of silence for Neill. Next week could be the memorial. The following week could again focus on awareness.

Thanks, Melissa, for contacting Walter Payton.

One last update on the flyer. I've changed the wording so that it is more inclusive - recognizing that sometimes a person might be on a  bike and sometimes that same person might be driving - instead of dividing the population into "bicyclists" and "motorists".



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