Planning for a Friday Morning Memorial for Neill Townsend to Raise Awareness about Dooring and Sharing the Road



The date for the memorial has been changed to FRIDAY, OCTOBER 19TH.
We will meet from 8-8:30 am at the northwest corner of Wells and Oak Streets.

Here is the link to the event page.


This is a new discussion based off of one of the threads of conversations in the discussion "Bicyclist killed at Oak & Wells Friday AM". Some folks were on board with the idea of holding a memorial on the morning of Friday, October 19th around the time the accident occurred, which would create the opportunity for it to serve as a chance to raise awareness about dooring and sharing the road at a high traffic time. Several people made good suggestions there. They are copied and pasted in a reply below.

If you have any suggestions or you're willing to help out, please comment here.

Once details have been worked out, I'll post it as an event. 

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k  downloaded the pdf and got the dead link off. I'll work on putting some bullet points in.

I took a jab at a quarter size flyer.  I didn't realize you guys were already on it.  Here are a few if anyone is interested.  If not, it was still a decent way to spend a couple of hours ;)

I love the first one, Bliss!

Okay, here is a first draft. Let me know what you guys think. Also I found this post from 2008 by those who first designed the sticker we are modifying:

I've sent the blogger a message regarding our plans and asked for permission to use the image and invited them to get involved.

I was also thinking that we might want to reach out to the individual who caused this accident by opening his door and include him in this memorial and effort to raise awareness. Goodness knows he did not intend for this to happen and from what I have read in various reports he seemed shaken by the accident. I think it would make our message much stronger, might garner media attention, and would offer support to this fellow who is also a victim of the poor infrastructure of our streets. Thoughts?

Impressive!  Thanks. 

Bliss BT said:

I took a jab at a quarter size flyer.  I didn't realize you guys were already on it.  Here are a few if anyone is interested.  If not, it was still a decent way to spend a couple of hours ;)

As well intentioned as this seems, we don't want to do anything that will make Neill's friends or family feel uncomfortable about attending the memorial. I know if I lost someone I loved, I would not be ready to confront the person that took their life a mere week after. Whether the family ever approaches this person should be at their discretion, not ours. 

Kristy Lapidus said:

I was also thinking that we might want to reach out to the individual who caused this accident by opening his door and include him in this memorial and effort to raise awareness. Goodness knows he did not intend for this to happen and from what I have read in various reports he seemed shaken by the accident. I think it would make our message much stronger, might garner media attention, and would offer support to this fellow who is also a victim of the poor infrastructure of our streets. Thoughts?

Deleted old file and uploaded one with new edits, see attached.


nice! I really like A. We could print more than one flyer.

Zoetrope said:

Impressive!  Thanks. 

Bliss BT said:

I took a jab at a quarter size flyer.  I didn't realize you guys were already on it.  Here are a few if anyone is interested.  If not, it was still a decent way to spend a couple of hours ;)

Kristy, very nice, but it says "client" instead of "Clint".

oh, dear. Thanks, Lisa. Fixed with this attachment. h' does this work for you?

Lisa Curcio said:

Kristy, very nice, but it says "client" instead of "Clint".


That, and if I was the driver, I would feel very uncomfortable facing a number of cyclists honoring the person that got killed due to my fault, despite their assurances that this would not be a trial. I definitely would not attend.

Ash L. said:

As well intentioned as this seems, we don't want to do anything that will make Neill's friends or family feel uncomfortable about attending the memorial. I know if I lost someone I loved, I would not be ready to confront the person that took their life a mere week after. Whether the family ever approaches this person should be at their discretion, not ours. 

Kristy Lapidus said:

I was also thinking that we might want to reach out to the individual who caused this accident by opening his door and include him in this memorial and effort to raise awareness. Goodness knows he did not intend for this to happen and from what I have read in various reports he seemed shaken by the accident. I think it would make our message much stronger, might garner media attention, and would offer support to this fellow who is also a victim of the poor infrastructure of our streets. Thoughts?

FWIW, I prefer Bliss's A design to the "Someone opened a door and killed my friend", especially as the main design for a campaign. For me, the friend one is...well, disingenuous for those of us who do not have a friend who was killed in a crash due do dooring. It may seem like a little thing, but- given the antipathy that many drivers feel for cyclists- I think that statement could be dismissed as an attempt at emotional manipulation, especially if that's the only thing they see everywhere. I like the idea of having more than one flyer, and it would only require small change to offer two- keep the language the same and just change the graphic. Anyway, that's my two cents on it.

Also, just in case people question the actual law about dooring. It was mentioned in the other discussion that it is from the Illinois Vehicle Code, Chapter 11, Article 14, Section 7 (aka 625 ILCS 5/11-1407). You can find the whole code here


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