The Chainlink

Show us your pets!

This is my monstrously fat cat Orson, 30 pounds of feline love machine.

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Marcel Duchamp, the dog. 

Here is my boy

Gracie : RIP   1997-2012

Roo Roo (part coyote) age 13

Tyrone (part Leonberger) age 8


we also have three cats too (paisley, vivian and weezel (not picture worthy)


Love all the pet pictures! I thought this group might be interested in the Ride Alive event I just posted - it benefits ALIVE Rescue, a sustainable animal shelter. It is a great cause and it is going to be a fun event!

Dan, I'm sorry to hear about Gracie.  RIP.


Michael B - your dog looks great.  I'm glad you posted the puppy picture too, because it looks like he finally grew into his ears.

We call him the cheesehead Chihuahua.

Roo Roo and Tyrone  (easy to figure out which one is which)

This is Clark the cat. He's a huge Maine Coon. He weighs 21.5 lbs and is 36" long. He's not fat, just large. His breed is the largest domestic cat breed. He has trouble fitting on things, like this chair, but he makes it work!

Not mine, but I couldn't help but sharing :))


Here's my Lois, with her come-hither-but-I've-left-no-room-for-the-people-on-the-bed look: 

I asked how to do this on the Ning network creators forum (I tried on here too and it gave me an error). 

Here is the answer 

And this reply - You can use an html img link code just replace (your url) with the link you want it to go to and replace (your img url) with your image link

<a href="your url" target="_blank"><img src=" your img url" /> 

Joe Willis said:


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