I've read about these tweed rides out east where everyone wears tweed or euro style clothes,and usually ride classic bikes.
Does anyone have any info of a ride like that here in Chicago? I read that there will be one.

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There sure are! You are a few weeks late for the latest one at the end of August.

There should be another one in a few months.   I think a bonfire is involved.  

Keep an eye on The Chainlink Calender and the British Bicycles Group here for info.  

Usually have the Guy Fawkes ride first Saturday in November, someone should be posting something soon.

I remember something like that -some sort of plot or another...

Serge Lubomudrov said:

Just a bonfire, not a gunpowder something?

James BlackHeron said:

There sure are! You are a few weeks late for the latest one at the end of August.

There should be another one in a few months.   I think a bonfire is involved.  

Keep an eye on The Chainlink Calender and the British Bicycles Group here for info.  

Bummer. Ok thanks guys,I'll keep an eye out for it. I'm so for a bonfire! Or a gun powder... haha

The BBC always has an early November ride, usually a winter ride featuring bars with fireplaces and a seersucker summer ride. You just missed it (it rained the entire day).

The Slow Bicycle Society has rides where people dress up a bit, although they aren't really tweed rides. It's Facebook page is more active than the Chainlink page lately. The Kimono ride was on the north side last weekend and there's talk of a winter ride but it's schedule is less predictable than the BBC.

Not exactly in the Chicago area but there is this coming up in less than two weeks.


If one wants to travel a little there is a Tweed in Indy on October 27th. 

Mike Bullis said:

Not exactly in the Chicago area but there is this coming up in less than two weeks.


Some of us in the BBC are planning a trek to Indianapolis for their Tweed Ride Saturday, October 27.  PM me if you'd like details.


Sly Red

Awesome! I believe that is my weekend off.

SlyRed said:

Some of us in the BBC are planning a trek to Indianapolis for their Tweed Ride Saturday, October 27.  PM me if you'd like details.


Sly Red

Is the Cozy Hearth ride still on now that John is taking a break from ride planning? I'd hate to see that one fall by the way side. 


Hey Tweedsters!  Fellow Traveller Lee Diamond has been working with the BBC to host the 1st ever suburban architecture Tour of Oak Park!  As he writes over at the calendar:

I am proud to partner with the BBC (British Bicycles of Chicago) to bring you an architectural and historical bike tour of the Village of Oak Park, our first venture into the 'burbs, to be followed by one new suburb a year and the beginning of their rotation in the overall tour schedule.


With a population of over 50,000, it is one of the largest municipalities in the state. It is the perfect suburb for architecture fans. It boasts the largest concentration of Frank Lloyd Wright buildings anywhere in the world, as well as a stunning array of Prairie School buildings and wonderful Victorians from other architecture luminaries such as E. E. Roberts, Charles White Jr., John Van Bergen, Tallmadge and Watson, and George Maher. The village boasts one of the most densely packed tours we have ever offered. None of it would have been possible without the help of Garth Katner of the BBC and without our inspiration from Philander Barclay, a bike repair shop owner who cycled the city taking photographs of the buildings and people of Oak Park and River Forest. First he began collecting photos in the 1880s and by 1902 started taking his own pictures, many of which are now in the collection of the Historical Society of Oak Park and River Forest. He is the perfect muse for this venture.


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