Saw this on FB and was a little surprised I missed the distribution. where can i get one?

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Better than last year's IMHO.  

I personally voted for the Frog sticker... :(

Hahahahaah.  That sticker made it?  That's awesome.  It's modern anti humor.  

I thought a few of the original and more artistic ones were neat and would without a doubt get picked, but seeing this just makes me laugh.  I don't give a shit either way, to be honest.   

I hope that was not the winning one. All of the other submissions where so much better.

This is what happens when the winning design is kept secret ;)

I've got half a mind to pick the lamest sticker design ever submitted and print up a crapload of them myself and go nuts plastering them all over the place on city bike racks.

Then again, probably not...

Gender Bias is Biased!

Will there be any other distribution for those of us who can't make it to Mass? 

Yes there will. I'll have them on this Saturday's Perimeter Ride.

Dovah Cat said:

Will there be any other distribution for those of us who can't make it to Mass? 


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