Thurs Aug 16 - Sebadoh at Schuba's
Wed Aug 22 - My Morning Jacket / Band of Horses at Millenium Park
Fri Aug 24 - Archers of Loaf at Bottom Lounge

Be there or be square, kids!

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If one is say out on the lawn and can't see the stage, and doesn't pay attention to when Band of Horses stops and My Morning Jackets starts, would one notice that anything had changed? 

Seriously though, I second NYC's recommendations!

What year is this?  Missed seeing Archers and Sebadoh back in the day, good to see they're back.  Saw MMJ open for GBV 10 years ago.  Mister Pollard informed the crowd that they Jacket in the Morning.  Thanks for the updates, keep us informed about what's going on.

It's great that Sebadoh is reportedly a fairly good live band on a consistent basis these days.  Lou couldn't pull that off in the '90s---saw them multiple times then and it was varying shades of terrible in each instance.  Despite encouraging reports from shows in the past several years, don't think I've got it in me to give it another go.

What?  No mention of the Summer Slaughter Tour being at House of Blue on the 16th featuring Cannibal Corpse?

Sebadoh is definitely way tighter nowadays than they were in the 90s.  

I went on the Weezer Cruise just to see Lou play 7 shows over 3 days (3 with Sebadoh, 2 solo and 2 with Dinosuar Jr.)...not to mention pre-and post-cruise shows in Miami with Sebadoh and Dinosaur, respectively.  So obviously I'll be at Schuba's tomorrow even though I have a flight to DC early Friday morning.  

I would posit that Goatwhore is the real draw of the Summer Slaughter Tour.

Actually, as far as '90s bands playing in the next 2 weeks, Scrawl at Lincoln Hall on 8/24 is totally where it's at.

Wow, OK I saw Sebadoh at Schubas last year; then in Miami before the Weezer Cruise; then three times on the boat.  They nailed it every time.

Tonight at Schubas Lou's solo set was great...but the Sebadoh set was pretty bad.  Forgetting lyrics, some weird tension between Lou and Jason, lots of downtime while futzing around, etc.  Not knowing what to play next.  Hopefully it was just an off night.

And of course my damn headlight had to pop off on the way home, under the Kennedy underpass on Belmont no less.  Fortunately it skidded to the curb right in front of me.

Thank you for the review, Don! Just got home from a great night with the neighbors and was wondering if I missed an unmissable Sebadoh show and you put me at ease. Now if someone could assure me that I didn't miss anything at the 70mm screening of "The Master" at the Music Box, all will be right with the world...

Chicago does rock, pretty much every day in the summer!

Don said:

Wow, OK I saw Sebadoh at Schubas last year; then in Miami before the Weezer Cruise; then three times on the boat.  They nailed it every time.

Tonight at Schubas Lou's solo set was great...but the Sebadoh set was pretty bad.  Forgetting lyrics, some weird tension between Lou and Jason, lots of downtime while futzing around, etc.  Not knowing what to play next.  Hopefully it was just an off night.

And of course my damn headlight had to pop off on the way home, under the Kennedy underpass on Belmont no less.  Fortunately it skidded to the curb right in front of me.

Lou held up real nice on the recent Dino Jr at the Green Fest... pretty sure he had to borrow a bass tho.

Andrew N said:

It's great that Sebadoh is reportedly a fairly good live band on a consistent basis these days.  Lou couldn't pull that off in the '90s---saw them multiple times then and it was varying shades of terrible in each instance.  Despite encouraging reports from shows in the past several years, don't think I've got it in me to give it another go.

Couldn't disagree more, Don. Maybe you didn't have enough beers, or maybe I had too many. But I thought they were a blast last night! I brought my brother in law (he's 26 and has no idea about our 90's indie bands) and he thanked me 100 times for bringing him.

Don said:

Wow, OK I saw Sebadoh at Schubas last year; then in Miami before the Weezer Cruise; then three times on the boat.  They nailed it every time.

Tonight at Schubas Lou's solo set was great...but the Sebadoh set was pretty bad.  Forgetting lyrics, some weird tension between Lou and Jason, lots of downtime while futzing around, etc.  Not knowing what to play next.  Hopefully it was just an off night.

And of course my damn headlight had to pop off on the way home, under the Kennedy underpass on Belmont no less.  Fortunately it skidded to the curb right in front of me.

Oh, and Jason and Bob's little side punk project was hilarious and fun as shit!


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