Edit: Thanks to Peenologist for the Worst Thread Ever crown.

Edit edit: D'oh! he said Worst Possible Thread, not Worst Thread Ever.

7/17: "was Fight with Gabe" removed from subject line for the sake of beauty, privacy, and security.  Representative images added (too bad threads can't have their own custom avatars):



Picked up on OPCC listserv per Bill W; presumably posted today.

I don't know why Active Trans didn't put a warning out about the previous incident mentioned here.


Authored by Tom McGee and posted on the Oak Park Cycle Club facebook page.  :
LAKE STREET WARNING: With the warm weather, and newly added bike lanes on Lake Street, there have been more bike commuters heading into the city...unfortunately, there are some rough neighborhoods people need to cycle through and area street punks see the increase in riders as well.

On my way home from the city to Oak Park last night I was jumped by 2 male teens in an attempt to steal my bike. This occured at Lake & Lavergne. One guy was on the sidewalk, the other hidden behind an L pillar. As I was approaching, I sensed it was bad, but it was too late to react. They came at me from the left and right and pushed me off the bike. I was clipped in and went head first over the handlebars, landing on the right side of my face and shoulder. They did not go for anything but the bike, so when I realized that, I wrestled with them and kept my bike. A motorist stopped to help me, and seeing this they ran.

A number of good samaritans stopped to help me, called 911, and paramedics were on the scene within 10 minutes to get me to the ER. I'm stitched and bumped and bruised, but it could have been a lot worse.

I strongly suggest that riders get the word out to friends who commute, try to ride w/others (there are a number of group rides to/from the loop from what I've heard), and try not to ride too early or too late when other people may not be around to help. 

I've already spoken with John Lankford, Bikeways Campaign Coordinator w/Active Transporation Alliance. He said there was a similar incident on Lake the morning of Bike The Drive. So they are aware of the problem, and will be approaching people @ CDOT and the city to try and address it.

Ride safe,
Tom McGee


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Yikes, this guy really needs to get a life.

My theory that O and James More are the same person is starting look better and better. 

Oh this is cool. He leeches content from chainlink for his blagh and the main window is a feed of chainlink threads. He's basically the perfect mess of entitlement.

Since O showed up I've been wondering what his deal is.  His grammar and flow of thought are normally pretty decent, at least above the general troll standard.  But people with that level of critical thinking normally doesn't waste their time trolling with this level of passion.

I was operating under the assumption that either:

A) a biker ran over O's cat when he was 8 and from that point on he vowed to do all he could to destroy, demonize, or annoy the cycling community

B) he's a tech worker at job that requires little to no effort

C) he really is a troll with no life

D) he's farming content for editorial pieces / blogs

Or maybe some combination of the above.  Excellent research ferreting out this trOll. 

A lot of it is pretty much boilerplate behavior for the sort of dude who figure's he's worked out the serious thinks in life and is ready to bestow his wisdom upon us. You get this a lot with guys talking down to feminists about feminism, straight people telling lgbt activists how they should do their thing, etc, basically they feel they've automatically earned everybody's ear and reckon they know better than whomever they're talking to, even if the person they're talking to has demonstrably more lived experience on the subject.

I mean since he's already got it all figured out, the only possible productive discussion would be agreement and accolades for his fantastic wisdom. Being contradicted is automatically unproductive because no one knows more about whatever than he does, somehow.

I see a similarity in both underlying style and the dogged single-mindedness of both O and JM.  

I agree that JM can write -which is perhaps why the sockpuppet James More's writing is purposely so abysmal.  I've run into people online who were very similar to O. Creating an entire crazy alter-ego and even publishing a book under that name wouldn't be a bridge too far for them. 

I not certain and can't prove they are the same person.  They very well may not be -but I have a hard time believing that James More is actually a real person, at least the image of the person he projects here.  He can't be for real, so therefore I think he's a fabrication of someone -someone bright enough to pull it all off, but crazy enough to think it is a good idea.  If he is a fabrication then there probably is more than one identity here. 

Looking at the blargh 'O beezleblub I have to believe that this guy is really putting some real effort into it with negligible real-world results.  Why?  Why does anyone do something?  I think your guesses are as good as anyone's. 

Derek said:

Since O showed up I've been wondering what his deal is.  His grammar and flow of thought are normally pretty decent, at least above the general troll standard.  But people with that level of critical thinking normally doesn't waste their time trolling with this level of passion.

I was operating under the assumption that either:

A) a biker ran over O's cat when he was 8 and from that point on he vowed to do all he could to destroy, demonize, or annoy the cycling community

B) he's a tech worker at job that requires little to no effort

C) he really is a troll with no life

D) he's farming content for editorial pieces / blogs

Or maybe some combination of the above.  Excellent research ferreting out this trOll. 

I have a very, very clear message for 'O' right here and now and I want him to perk up and pay attention:

If I EVER see you posting my words out of context, using my name or likeness on your blog and/or posting to/about me on a forum where I cannot respond to them you and I are going to have a very, very serious problem...

Oh, wait a little bit of research has shown me you are already playing this game...

Take that shit down or open your comments to allow those you are quoting and responding to a chance to respond back and defend themselves.  We allow you to continue to respond to our comments here, why do you not offer us the same courtesy on your website? 

You can comment. The folks from Orlando Commute did this AM. In fact twice. Try it.

notoriousDUG said:

I have a very, very clear message for 'O' right here and now and I want him to perk up and pay attention:

If I EVER see you posting my words out of context, using my name or likeness on your blog and/or posting to/about me on a forum where I cannot respond to them you and I are going to have a very, very serious problem...

Oh, wait a little bit of research has shown me you are already playing this game...

Take that shit down or open your comments to allow those you are quoting and responding to a chance to respond back and defend themselves.  We allow you to continue to respond to our comments here, why do you not offer us the same courtesy on your website? 

I can't wait to meet O :-)

As you well know that stretch is under construction. We are having two additional lanes added. But you could currently ride Warrenville Road to the south with relative ease. It even has a substantial shoulder.

Gerry G said:

O, could you be persuaded to suit up?  Maybe with a bar mounted cam facing forward and a helmet cam facing to the rear?  Then get some savvy cyclist reps in on Butterfield Rd between Orchard Rd and Lambert Rd.  A few East bound and some casual West bound trips, heck it's only 2.5 miles.  Control the lane while expanding the situational awareness of those operating motor vehicles in Wheaton.  Post'em to the tube for all to peruse. 

Highly anticipating your efforts, looking forward to seeing you in action, O.  

"O", could you be persuaded to suit up?  Maybe with a bar mounted cam facing forward and a helmet cam facing to the rear?  Then get some savvy cyclist reps in on Butterfield Rd between Orchard Rd and Lambert Rd.  A few East bound and some casual West bound trips, heck it's only 2.5 miles.  Control the lane while expanding the situational awareness of those operating motor vehicles in Wheaton.  Post'em up to the tube for all to examine.  Total PSA opportunity.  Could potentially generate generous amounts of what you crave, manure.   

Either this group really believes that everyone on this forum should "grow a thick skin" or not. It appears that when you are on the receiving end of the vitriol it becomes a problem.

Peenworm Grubologist said:

I mean since he's already got it all figured out, the only possible productive discussion would be agreement and accolades for his fantastic wisdom. Being contradicted is automatically unproductive because no one knows more about whatever than he does, somehow.


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