1) You put on your jeans and they already have the right leg rolled up.


2) You do laundry when you don't have any more clean bike shorts.







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Wait for the cab?  Really?  I mean Really?

You hit a pothole and apologize to your bike. 

...permanent grease marks on your favorite jeans' right leg

...an abnormally strong opinion on how bikes should be parked at bike racks

...bike tool and front/rear lights in every bag and purse

...mental map of every LBS in a 2-mile radius as you are riding anywhere in the city (who needs smartphones?)

You have more bike lock keys on your key ring than house keys.

and here i thought those were wrinkles..
Kocicka said:

16) you're getting a semi-permanent bike helmet crease on forehead


I run in to this all the time.
Julie Hochstadter said:

You wonder if you could date someone who doesn't cycle.

That just means you are not smart enough to come in out of the rain...

James More said:

When you are riding along trying to beat the storm and down comes hail like marbles shot from a machine gun like the St. Valentine's Day murders reenacted, bullets ricocheting off my head and body.  Ouch!  Ouch!  Ouch! 

Yes, responding to your post a a massage board I read every day is totally stalking you.

Geeze are some kind of narcissist or what? 

You know it's not all about you right?

It's actually all about me.

James More said:

You know you ride a bicycle when Dug tries to run you down where ever you go and what ever you do like a bicycle club stalker.

Honestly, you're an easy target.

It's easier than punching a baby.

James More said:

So why then don't you run along and go harass someone else with your personal attacks.

notoriousDUG said:

Yes, responding to your post a a massage board I read every day is totally stalking you.

Geeze are some kind of narcissist or what? 

You know it's not all about you right?

It's actually all about me.

James More said:

You know you ride a bicycle when Dug tries to run you down where ever you go and what ever you do like a bicycle club stalker.

You are my problem, that is why I point my finger at you.  Was that supposed to be profound?  I think even you can do batter than that...

James More said:

And who is your problem before you point your finger at me?

Get a life!


When you get grease rings around your fingers every time you tie your shoes.

You get laid off from you job, commuting 12 miles by bike each day, and once you get a new job that requires a car, you are upset that you'll be missing the daily commute. Forget the fact that I have job now!


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